Here are the abilities of the new League of Legends champion, Gwen


It’s a big week for League of Legends. The multiplayer game’s Space Groove event kicks off in just a few days, bringing an event pass, stylish new skins, and more – and now Riot Games has revealed the new abilities of League of Legends champion Gwen. , giving us an idea of ​​what The Hallowed Dressmaker will bring to the Rift when it makes its live debut next month.

As you might expect, Gwen’s abilities are closely tied to her backstory – revealed at the end of last week – as an ancient doll, lovingly crafted and given a chance to live on powerful magic. Her own powers and weapons come from the very tools originally used to create her (you’ll have seen that huge pair of magical blue scissors she wields in her champion gameplay revealed last week, which we’ve included again below- below).

As Gameplay Design Director Mark Yetter posted on Twitter, Gwen should make an interesting addition to the champions list. He notes that “a squishy AP fighter without the tools to assassinate them from a distance would be doomed” – but, her unique skills mean she has a few tricks up her sleeve. For example, this “pocket of Hallowed Mist protecting her for the time she needs to compete against other front liners.”

Without further ado, here are the abilities of new League of Legends champion Gwen (via Riot Games):

Passive – Thousand Cuts

  • “Gwen’s Basic Attacks deal bonus magic damage on impact based on a percentage of her health. Basic attacks against champions will heal her for a portion of the damage dealt. “

Q – Snip Snip!

  • “Gwen quickly cuts her scissors two to six times, dealing magical damage in a cone.” At a minimum, Gwen will fire twice, adding one shot per Basic Attack that Gwen has landed on an enemy (up to four for a total of six).
  • The enemies in the center of each snip take real damage, as well as the bonus magic damage of a thousand cuts. “

W – Sacred mist

  • “Gwen spins the Holy Mist to surround her for five seconds, gaining armor and magic resist when in it.” Enemies outside of the Mist cannot target Gwen or hit her with abilities. The mist will move to follow Gwen the first time she tries to leave her, but will dissipate the next time.
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E – Skip ‘n Slash

  • “Gwen rushes a short distance and boosts her attacks with increased range, speed, and magic damage on impact for four seconds. Attacking an enemy during this time reimburses 50% of the cooldown of this skill. “

R – Needlework

  • “Gwen can cast Needlework up to three times, but must hit an enemy within 8 seconds to unlock each subsequent cast.” Each throw shoots needles in a line that deal magic damage, slow enemies, and apply additional magic damage to Gwen’s Thousand Cups.
  • The first throw will shoot one needle, the second shoot three, and the last shoot five, for a total of nine needles and nine applications of Thousand Cuts to enemies hit.

Gwen will be playable on the PBE starting today and will be taking part in the match live when the next big League of Legends patch (11.8) is released in a few weeks.


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