Here are the improvements made by Samsung to Galaxy Fold


Samsung is working tirelessly to improve the Galaxy Fold after the temporary suspension of its deployment plans, as a result of numerous issues arising from the publication of the notices. And now, a report from his home country, Korea, details these improvements.

The company apparently solved the two main reported problems – objects (such as dirt, lint, dust, sand, etc.) that could enter the hinge and lodge under the display, causing lasting damage; as well as people pushed to remove a protective layer that was on top of the screen because it looked a little like your ordinary plastic screen protector. This also damaged the screen.

This last problem has been solved by Samsung by inserting the ends of the protective film into the body of the phone. So now, even if you want to remove it, there is no easy starting point for it. Hopefully this solution, coupled with a huge warning in the box stating that the film is not destined to be removed and that it will result in the death of your newly purchased phone at $ 1,980, will convince people not to attempt such a maneuver.

On the replay units, the protective layer did not go all the way to the bezel, so tearing it with a nail was extremely easy.

As for the hinge, Samsung would reduce the gap between the upper and lower hinge to prevent foreign substances from getting inside. This does not guarantee 100% that your precious new toy will not accumulate dust or lint over there, but it should nevertheless reduce the chances.

Obviously, the next iteration of its foldable phone, Samsung must rethink the design of the hinge to make sure to avoid any problem of sustainability, like this one. If you consider the Galaxy Fold as a simple "beta" handset (like, for example, the edge of the note at the time), you could forgive such shortcomings. If you approach it as a luxury item of almost $ 2,000, not that much.

The upgraded devices are currently being tested by Korean operators, and Samsung is expected to announce a new release date very soon. The revamped model is expected to go on sale in its home country in June and the domestic launch could take place before launch in the United States. While you're waiting for the chance to buy one yourself, why not check out our review of the Samsung Galaxy Fold?

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