Here is a preview of the Fortnite Fortified Envelope that has already sunk


The "Heat" Fortnite Wrap was leaked when Malice's skin was available in the item shop. Here is a glimpse of the skin in the game.

Malice's skin and fiery ax pickaxe were available for the first time in the Art Shop when it was reset on Friday at 12:00 UTC.

Epic encrypted the skin, preventing dataminers from letting the cosmetics flow before they were released. Once the cosmetic products available in the store, however, another cosmetic product that was not in the store, the animated "Heat" wrap, was not encrypted and leaked it to Twitter.

Fortnite Heat animation film
Fortnite Heat animation film

Malice's skin and hot ax pickaxe should come out of the store tonight, so everyone guesses when this package will be available for purchase.

Several leaks have posted in the game images of the thermal loopback, which you can see below:

Will you buy "Heat" packaging when it will be available in the item shop?

Selected image via Lucas7yoshi_


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