Here’s a new take on the Nier Replicant remaster


Nier Replicant Ver.1.22474487139 … launches in April, although you can take another look at what it has in store today. Square Enix has shared a new preview with some of the platform, combat, and boss battles you engage in in the enhanced prequel version of Nier: Automata.

In the new gameplay video, you “follow the young protagonist as he navigates ancient puzzles, defeats Shades, and faces off against mysterious and sentient cubes in this holy place,” Square Enix explains. A good third of the video below is a glimpse into the beautifully world of Replicant that you will visit. It shows the Barren Temple and the surrounding city, with a healthy dose of sass from your sidekick the flying and talking book, Grimoire Weiss.

Replicant is the prequel to the much-loved Automata that RPS has deemed one of the best RPGs on PC, though it defies that label a bit. Replicant’s new gameplay video shows that same tendency to dance between bullet hell and RPG and every other genre that Nier decides to try.

“At first glance, this is an action-packed sci-fi story about salvaging earth from destructive robots,” the human mind says of Automatons. “At the second glance, it’s quite another thing. At the third glance, you’ll find a tin man with the name of a 17th century mathematician, and you’ll start to wonder how many gazes it will still take to really know what this game is.

You can find Nier Replicant Ver. 1.22474487139 … on Steam where it will be available on April 23.


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