Here’s a trailer for the Starz Heels wrestling drama



Former Arrow star Stephen Amell developed his wrestling drama Starz Heels for years, finally combining his acting career with his well-publicized love of pro wrestling, but this trailer makes it pretty clear that the “wrestling drama” doesn’t quite capture how drama There is here. There is a scripted drama in the ring, there is a family drama outside the ring, there is a relationship drama between wrestlers, there is a drama with angry guys in a bar, there is a drama between a wrestler and his wife, and there’s probably another type of drama besides that. Maybe some behind-the-scenes drama?

The show is about a wrestling business in a small town run by two brothers, one of whom (Stephen Amell) writing the plots for the shows and the other (Alexander Ludwig) being the big star who is destined to overtake the local market one day. Kelli Berglund is also there as a woman who wants to be taken seriously as a wrestler and does the leg thing around Black Widow’s neck that everyone else does now. Someone probably did this before Black Widow, but there’s no way to find out.

There are a lot of people giving each other meaningful looks while covered in sweat and wearing wrestling outfits and a predictable dramatic tension about the brothers solving their real issues with scripted in-ring battles, but maybe that the scripted battles in the ring are somehow real too? The trailer also briefly makes sure you know what a “heel” is in this context, the line “you are either a hero or a villain” turns into “you are either a face or a heel. “. (A ‘face’ is a good wrestler and a ‘heel’ is a bad wrestler, and if that happens a ‘job’ is a scripted thing that’s supposed to happen and a ‘shot’ is an unforeseen thing that happens. for real.) Heels premieres on Starz on August 15.


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