Here’s how the impending Google search overhaul will make finding information easier and faster


Google says a design change for the mobile version of Google Search is imminent. In charge of creating the new look, Google designer Aileen Cheng. “We wanted to take a step back to simplify it a bit so that people can find what they are looking for faster and easier,” Cheng said. “I find it really refreshing. For me it’s a breath of fresh air!” The designer added, “Rethinking the visual design for something like Search is really complex. This is especially true given the evolution Google search. We don’t just organize information on the web, but all the information in the world. We started by organizing web pages, but now there is so much diversity in the types of content and information that we have to help understand. “

The redesign of Google search will make it faster and easier to read the information you are looking for

So what can we expect from this overhaul? According to the new version of Google’s blog, Aileen said five different improvements drove his plan. The first was to make the text easier for users to read by making it bigger and more daring; it will help human eye scan and understand google search results faster. The designer noted that “we are also expanding the titles of results and sections”. According to Aileen, the changes to the text will include more of Google’s own font. While we’re on the subject of text: The update also includes more Google-specific fonts already in use in Android and Gmail. “It was also important to make consistency in when and how we use fonts in research, which also helps people analyze information more effectively,” said Aileen.

Another goal of redesigning research is to focus on the information presented, not the design used to present it. Cheng said, “We want to make research results shine, allow people to focus on the information rather than the design elements around them. It’s about simplifying the experience and bringing people to the information they are looking for as clearly and quickly as possible. “If you’ve used Google search before, and the vast majority of those reading this article have, you know how important that goal is. important. To do this, Google will use a clean background with an emphasis on color to guide the eye to important information.

Cheng also said the redesigned Google search should have “wiggle room”. What does this mean exactly? She explained, “We decided to create a new design for end-to-end results and minimize the use of shadows, so you can immediately see what you’re looking for. The overall effect is that you have more visual and breathing space for search results and other content to take center stage. “

Finally, Cheng wanted the new look of the research to be “Googley”. To do this, the designer borrowed iconic design elements from Google, including the Google logo and the search magnifier. She said, “If you look at the Google logo you’ll notice there’s a lot of roundness. So we’re borrowing from that and we’re bringing it to other places as well. This form is already so much a part of our DNA. Just look at the search bar or the magnifying glass. ”

While making these changes, Cheng also made a point of sticking with a design that could be instantly recognized as coming from Google. This, we imagine, is part of the concept of keeping the search “Googley”. With that in mind, she dropped an anecdote that goes to the heart of her redesign of Search. “My three-year-old recently dropped a handful of Legos in my hand, red, yellow, green, blue, and he said to me, ‘Mom, this is Google,'” Aileen said. “That’s how playful and well known we are to people. And when we rethink something, we also want to bring that familiarity and accessibility with us.”


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