Here’s the full trailer for the canceled Duke Nukem Begins game


The full trailer for a canceled Duke Nukem game has been released, thanks to the host behind the project. Duke Nukem Begins was to be a third-person “origin story” and was originally intended to be Gearbox’s first licensed game before the hapless Duke Nukem Forever.

Development of Duke Nukem Begins reportedly began around 2007 and was halted in 2009, two years before the eventual release of Duke Nukem Forever in 2011. Meanwhile, both projects moved from 3D Realms to Gearbox, and Begins was suspended. – before apparently being completely canceled due to the rights issues surrounding the franchise.

Animator Gregor Punchatz – who is best known for his modeling work on films such as Robocop and the Monsters from the original Doom – has revealed the full trailer for the ‘vertical slice’ his studio Janimation created for Duke Nukem Begins. Punchatz previously released some of the video in 2019 as part of a Sizzle Reel, but this is the first time the entire “Vertical Slice” trailer has been released in its entirety.

The video isn’t actual gameplay, but is an animated example of what Begins would have been – in third person and almost like Max Payne, albeit with the ability to target two enemies at the same time. It reportedly featured iconic Duke 3D weapons such as the Freeze Ray and Shrinker, as well as the ability to rip off an enemy’s arm and use it as a melee weapon. Interestingly, elements of the project appear to have been reused in Duke Nukem Forever, as the model of the enemy Octabrain is exactly the same.

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Gregor Punchatz said that “we’ve put everything we have to create the most awesome cinematic Janimation has ever created,” which the studio was hoping “could help us compete with the biggest players in the trailer market. of games at the time “. Unfortunately, due to the secrecy and the cancellation of the project which never happened. “It crushed us.”

The situation is similar to what happened with Project Superman canceled by the creators of Rogue Leader. It’s possible, however, that Duke Nukem Begins will come true, as old and new 3D rights holders Realms and Gearbox are now owned by the same publisher, Embracer Group.

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