Here’s who might be in Joe Biden’s cabinet


Lael Brainard, who sits on the Fed’s board of governors, is frequently discussed as a candidate for head of the Treasury Department.

AFP / Getty Images

Let the cabinet guessing games begin.

As President-elect Joe Biden prepares for the White House, Washington is furiously speculating on who will lead the Treasury Department, serve as Biden’s secretary of state, take over the Pentagon, and occupy other key roles.

Here is a list of some departments and those who could lead them, based on MarketWatch reports and other media coverage.

Treasury: As MarketWatch reported, much speculation has landed on names like those of Fed Governor Lael Brainard and Massachusetts Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren. Sarah Bloom Raskin, a former Fed governor, is another candidate in the mix, as is Janet Yellen, the former Federal Reserve chief.

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Health and social services: This agency will be in the spotlight because the fight against the coronavirus pandemic remains a major challenge for Washington. New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham and Obama-era Surgeon General Vivek Murthy are some of the prominent names mentioned.

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Workforce: California Labor Secretary Julie Su is high on the list of potential candidates, Politico says, as is Michigan Representative Andy Levin, a former union organizer. There have also been rumors that Independent Senator Bernie Sanders from Vermont could get Biden’s nod.

Housing and urban development: Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms, who had also been discussed as Biden’s running mate, made a few lists, including Vox’s. Its report also names the mayor of Tampa, Jane Castor.

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State: Susan Rice, National Security Advisor to President Barack Obama, is considered one of the top candidates for the head of the State Department. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware and Chris Murphy of Connecticut, both Democrats, are other options, as is former Obama Assistant Secretary of State Anthony Blinken.

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Defense: Michèle Flournoy, Under Secretary of the Pentagon during Obama’s first term, is an often-mentioned name for leading the Defense Department under Biden. Last month, Axios reported that the post could go to Senator Tammy Duckworth of Illinois or Jeh Johnson, who served as Homeland Security Secretary under Obama.

Justice: Outgoing Alabama Senator Doug Jones, former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates and Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez are all on Politico’s list of potential attorneys general.


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