Here's why the gender controversy "Cyberpunk 2077" is a fabricated indignation


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Credit: CD Projekt Red

News from & nbsp;Cyberpunk 2077 CD Projekt Red, developer, explains how his next game will treat the genre. We'll talk about it nonetheless: in a game that revolves around futuristic notions of body modification, the developer decided not to use traditional genre options. Instead, you can customize your body, your face and your voice, to produce a character that is either traditionally male, or traditionally female, or anywhere in between. As for how this character identifies, it's up to you to decide because that's how role-playing games work.

The developer had already given us a protagonist with a sex-neutral name, so that he did not have to record thousands of dialogue lines twice. So I guess this extra layer of customization did not really affect a lot of development. This makes it a kind of obvious accommodation.

Needless to say, people are unhappy. That's not to say that having a character creator with a more granular level of customization will affect their gaming experience in any way, but people are getting nervous nowadays . I will not relate to bad faith arguments against gambling here, but to me they all fall into a general category. People have the feeling that if others get what they want, it compromises what they already have.

Credit: CD Projekt Red

The problem is what we saw in other games: & nbsp;Saints Row 2 did it eleven years ago with a gender slider that went from man to woman with 98 points late on two, and more recently & nbsp;Intrepid offers players a wealth of customization options that allow them to choose their favorite body, face, voice and pronouns independently. In my opinion, pronouns do not make much sense in & nbsp;Cyberpunk 2077I guess the developer already had a NPC dialogue without gender distinction for simple workload reasons. & nbsp; People have already explained how the customization of the body was perfectly suited to the themes of & nbsp;Cyberpunk 2077, but these are actually developers who respond to requests from players since we have video games: control and customization.

And yet, we are in 2019 and people are therefore interested in breaking out of controversy in a polarized political climate. A decision like this one from CD Projekt Red attracts infinitely more attention than the same decision of & nbsp;Saints Row 2 & nbsp;Volition developer more than ten years ago, and it is not difficult to play the game of blame. Large social networks may have favored echoes and polarization, but it is YouTube that offers bad actors the most direct route to monetization.

YouTube gives people a reason to publish speeches about how they are offended and gives them the opportunity to develop personalities and communities based on a perpetual scandal over many years. When I see, for example, that & nbsp;Pokémon GO publish my new Pokémon, I put it on a small mental checklist: I will write about it later. I guess these bad-faith actors do the same thing every time a game developer talks about gender: I'll shout about it later. We end up with a feedback loop in which people who have already held these reactionary opinions are able to confirm them with a personality on YouTube that validates their rage. This allows them to amplify these opinions in a secure space and to prepare to get angry the next time something happens. Anger is a powerful medicine, as we have seen.

And so we end up in a place where everything the generally conservative policy of the AAA video game industry starts screaming for money and attention. They do not care to see how the people who work in these studios become horrible, but they do not want game developers to stop making progressive decisions either: they would then have nothing to scream at.

Cyberpunk 2077 The gender-related controversy resembles a crystallization of YouTube's outrageous culture: all the developers are doing is making the character creator more customizable, but the so-called conservative advocates seize every mention of these things because they know that it generates income. And that's why I will not make any connection here. You can not stop this behavior simply by ignoring it, but you can at least avoid sending them clicks.

& nbsp;


Credit: CD Projekt Red

There is nothing shocking in the news of Cyberpunk 2077 CD Projekt Red, developer, explains how his next game will treat the genre. We'll talk about it nonetheless: in a game that revolves around futuristic notions of body modification, the developer decided not to use traditional genre options. Instead, you can customize your body, your face and your voice, to produce a character that is either traditionally male, or traditionally female, or anywhere in between. As for how this character identifies, it's up to you to decide because that's how role-playing games work.

The developer had already given us a protagonist with a sex-neutral name, so that he did not have to record thousands of dialogue lines twice. So I guess this extra layer of customization did not really affect a lot of development. This makes it a kind of obvious accommodation.

Needless to say, people are unhappy. That's not to say that having a character creator with a more granular level of customization will affect their gaming experience in any way, but people are getting nervous nowadays . I will not relate to bad faith arguments against gambling here, but to me they all fall into a general category. People have the feeling that if others get what they want, it compromises what they already have.

Credit: CD Projekt Red

The thing is, we saw this in other games: Saints Row 2 did it eleven years ago with a gender slider that went from man to woman with 98 points in-between-two, and more recently Intrepid offers players a wealth of customization options that allow them to choose their favorite body, face, voice and pronouns independently. I guess the pronouns do not make much sense in Cyberpunk 2077, because I suppose the developer already had a NPC dialogue without distinction of sex for simple workload reasons. People have talked about how body customization and that sort of thing is in tune with the themes of Cyberpunk 2077, but these are actually developers who respond to requests from players since we have video games: control and customization.

And yet, we are in 2019 and people are therefore interested in breaking out of controversy in a polarized political climate. A decision like this one from CD Projekt Red attracts infinitely more attention than the same decision of Saints Row 2 Volition developer more than ten years ago, and it is not difficult to play the game of blame. Large social networks may have favored echoes and polarization, but it is YouTube that offers bad actors the most direct route to monetization.

YouTube gives people a reason to publish speeches about how they are offended and gives them the opportunity to develop personalities and communities based on a perpetual scandal over many years. When I see, for example, that Pokémon GO publish my new Pokémon, I put it on a small mental checklist: I will write about it later. I guess these bad-faith actors do the same thing every time a game developer talks about gender: I'll shout about it later. We end up with a feedback loop in which people who have already held these reactionary opinions are able to confirm them with a personality on YouTube that validates their rage. This allows them to amplify these opinions in a secure space and to prepare to get angry the next time something happens. Anger is a powerful medicine, as we have seen.

So we find ourselves in a place where everything that defies the generally conservative politics of the AAA video game industry is triggered by shouts of heads who are looking to make money and attract attention. They do not care to see how the people who work in these studios become horrible, but they do not want game developers to stop making progressive decisions either: they would then have nothing to scream about.

Cyberpunk 2077 The gender-related controversy resembles a crystallization of YouTube's outrageous culture: all the developers are doing is making the character creator more customizable, but the so-called conservative advocates seize every mention of these things because they know that it generates income. And that's why I will not make any connection here. You can not stop this behavior simply by ignoring it, but you can at least avoid sending them clicks.


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