‘He’s one of my best friends’


Johnny Depp and Alice Cooper in 2019 (Photo: Daniel Knighton / Getty Images)

Johnny Depp and Alice Cooper in 2019 (Photo: Daniel Knighton / Getty Images)

Johnny Depp “can’t wait to get back on stage,” friend and teammate Alice Cooper said of the actor who was denied an appeal last week against the defamation decision of his “wife drummer” in the Kingdom -United.

In a new interview with The Daily Beast, Cooper, 73, said Depp’s legal issues and the fallout from his difficult marriage to ex-wife Amber Heard wouldn’t stop them from releasing a new Hollywood Vampires album. Depp, 57, and Cooper formed the supergroup in 2015 alongside Joe Perry, 70, of Aerosmith.

“There is no drama,” Cooper says of Depp, whom he calls “one of my best buddies” in the interview. “[Johnny] says, “Hey, this is another world. It has nothing to do with what I do in the group. He said: “ I can’t wait to get back on stage. “He’s one of my best friends. “

Related: Johnny Depp Denied Leave to Appeal High Court Decision

According to Cooper, the Pirates of the Caribbean star has written songs the veteran rocker expects to have been inspired by his recent personal dramas.

“I know Johnny was writing all last year, when this was all going on with him,” Cooper said on the exit. “But you know, that’s not going to stop him from coming home and writing. Actually, it probably helped. I’m expecting some pretty interesting songs.”

He adds, “It’ll be great when we all get together. You know what’s crazy about this band is you have eight guys in the band, and you’ve got three alpha men leading it, but there’s never been an argument. Nobody’s ever put their voice to anyone in this band. It’s really cool. “

Cooper also expresses his support for his friend’s musical talents.

“And he just did an album with Jeff Beck. For anyone who thinks Johnny ain’t a guitarist, Johnny can play, man. When Joe got sick and couldn’t play in New York, actually Johnny and Tommy Henriksen played all the leading roles. People were shocked. They just said, “What ?!” They didn’t know he was that good. “

This isn’t the first time Cooper has defended Depp amid his legal fight and divorce from Heard, who accused him of domestic violence.

“Everything you’ve heard last year about Johnny, 99% was just bull,” Cooper said in a 2019 Billboard interview.

“I’ve never seen him better in my life,” added the singer. “I have never seen him happier. I’ve never heard him play better, and the press reportedly said he was totally destroyed and ready to die. This is absolutely not true. “

In his interview with the Daily Beast, Cooper also speaks openly about his sobriety, his religious faith, and his “truly non-political” platform.

“When people say, ‘Well, you’re a Republican, so …’ I’m not really a Republican, ‘he said. “I’m actually very in the middle. I’m a moderate. I’m trying to find the good on both sides, and I think that’s the way to be. But if you’re a Christian, and you’re homophobic, and you’re anti-this and anti-that, it’s just wrong. My view of Christianity is bigger than that. “

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