Hi-Rez Studios Announces Launch of Rogue Company Multiplayer Shooter on PS4, Xbox One, Switch and PC


Rogue Company

Hi-Rez Studios announced Rogue Company, a new multiplayer shooter supported by Cross-Play for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch and PC.

Here is a preview of the game, via its official website:

Rogue Company is a multiplayer shooter for the main platforms: Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch and PC. With an arsenal of mercenaries, firearms, abilities and modes of play, there is always something to master.

Rogue Company is a very secretive trade union of elite mercenaries from around the world. For most of the world, elusive mercenaries are at best a rumor. However, for the connoisseurs, the agents of the dishonest society are indispensable to solve the most deadly and most difficult missions of the world. Like a Rogue Company As a mercenary, players will grab the weapon of their choice and dive into iconic locations to compete online in different game modes.

Group your friends and dominate the competition. Rogue Company will feature cross-play and cross-progression on all platforms.

Watch the ad trailer below.

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