Highest Paid LA Lifeguards Make $ 392,000 A Year


Life is a beach for these Californian lifeguards.

Los Angeles’ highest-paid lifeguards make up to $ 392,000 a year – and dozens more make more than $ 200,000 a year, according to a Forbes survey.

Seven LA County lifeguards earned more than $ 300,000 in taxpayer dough by dipping into overtime pay in 2019, the latest year available, according to Forbes.

Meanwhile, 82 of the sun-drenched public service workers earned more than $ 200,000 in the same year, according to the outlet, which cited data obtained by its own auditors.

The highest paid lifeguard in Los Angeles was ‘Acting Lifeguard’ Fernando Boiteux, who earned $ 391,971 with salary ($ 205,619), benefits ($ 60,452) and benefits ($ 125,900) in 2019 , according to the report.

In second place, Captain Daniel Douglas earned a total of $ 368,668 with base salary, overtime, benefits and other factors.

In contrast, New York’s two highest-paid cops in 2018 were paid $ 323,562 and $ 317,795, respectively, with a combined total of $ 641,000 in salary and benefits.

Overall, 31 lifeguards in Los Angeles earned between $ 50,000 and $ 131,493 in overtime during the year.

The survey also found that high incomes were not necessarily tied to the most heroic employees. Many of the lifeguards who won the Medal of Valor for showing bravery and saving lives were not among the highest paid in the county.

For example, Edward “Nick” Macko – an ocean rescue specialist who won the 2020 Medal of Valor – earned $ 134,144 in compensation, a fraction of some of his peers.

In total, California public sector employees cost taxpayers $ 45 billion a year, according to the report.


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