Hillary Clinton defends Biden’s deputy chief of staff after ‘f — ers’ comment


Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has defended Biden’s campaign manager and new deputy chief of staff Jennifer O’Malley Dillon after she called Republicans “a bunch of iron.”

“People who have supported Donald Trump for the past four years now claim to be offended that a Democratic campaign manager used a cursed word? I don’t think so,” the 2016 Democratic presidential candidate wrote on Twitter.

On Thursday, Glamor published an interview with O’Malley Dillon in which she called Senator Majority Leader Mitch McConnell “terrible” and the Republicans on the Hill “bunch of f — ers” while praising the call for unity from President-elect Joe Biden.


O’Malley Dillon was responding to a comment by Glamor reporter Glennon Doyle in the interview published Tuesday about redefining “compromise,” saying Biden “rejected” the idea that he could not work with the GOP.

“The president-elect was able to connect with people because of this feeling of unity,” said O’Malley Dillon. “In elementary school, people made fun of him, like, ‘Do you think you can work with Republicans? I’m not saying they’re not a bunch of irons. Mitch McConnell is terrible. But that feeling that you couldn’t wish for that, you couldn’t wish for this bipartisan ideal? He rejected it. “

She continued, “From start to finish he left with this idea that unity was possible, that together we are stronger, that we as a country need healing, and our politics have that. need too. “


But not only supporters of the president are offended.

Biden’s donors, who have taken his call for unity and bipartisanship to heart, want O’Malley Dillon to apologize to Biden and possibly the Republicans in Congress, according to Axios.

“For those of us who, from day one, bought into Biden’s calls for courtesy and a return to normalcy, it’s not just beyond pallor – it’s just plain stupid.” , a Biden donor said.

“I pledge to be a president who does not seek to divide but to unify. Who does not see the red states and the blue states, sees only the United States,” Biden said in his victory speech on the 7th. November.

To Trump supporters, he said: “I understand tonight’s disappointment. But now let’s give ourselves a chance. It’s time to put aside the harsh rhetoric, to lower the temperature … To move forward, we must stop treating our adversaries as our enemies. They are not our enemies, they are Americans. “

A Biden official brushed aside criticism of O’Malley Dillon’s remarks by telling him “how it is.”

“Could she have used a different adjective, of course,” a Biden official told Axios. “But if you know Jen… she’s real, she’s genuine, she puts it like that.”

After the Glamor article was published, Biden’s communications director Kate Bedingfield tweeted that O’Malley Dillon “would be the first to tell you her mother doesn’t approve of spicy language” but the point that she argued is that “unity and healing are possible – and we can get things done.”

O’Malley Dillon is the first woman to run a successful Democratic presidential campaign. After Biden’s team announced they would replace Greg Schultz as campaign manager in April, they managed the campaign’s transformation from a small, lean primary operation that struggled to raise funds into a massive one. general election machine that set fundraising records.


She previously worked for the 2000 campaign of former Vice President Al Gore, the 2008 and 2012 campaigns of President Barack Obama, the Democratic National Committee in 2009 and 2016 and the 2020 campaign of Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke. .

Fox News’s Audrey Conklin contributed to this report.


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