Hillary Clinton Helps Democrats Make Change In 2022, Urges Ohio Liberals To Change Seat


Former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has joined calls for Democratic Representative Tim Ryan to run for the Ohio Senate seat in 2022.

Following this week’s announcement by Republican Senator Rob Portmant that he will not seek re-election once his term ends next year, Democrats have devised a strategy on how best to return the seat to blue and d ‘get a stronger majority in the Senate.

Ryan said he hasn’t decided if he will show up, but told MSNBC on Saturday he is “looking closely” at the idea.

Her comment was applauded by Ohio Democratic Women’s Caucus Chair Kathy DiCristofaro, who said, “Ohio needs leaders like [Tim Ryan] fight for the workers. I bet everything! ”

Clinton lent his support to the Ohio congressmen by adding, “You’re right, Kathy!”

“I’m overwhelmed by the supporters trying to encourage me to run for the Senate. I haven’t made a decision yet but I’m looking at it seriously,” Ryan said in a tweet Monday. “Ohio deserves leaders who fight for workers.”

Ryan ran a short presidential campaign in 2019, opposing more liberal candidates like Senator Bernie Sanders, D-Vt., And Senator Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Posing as a moderate.

But he failed to gain much strength against the big political names and ended his campaign in October 2019.

Although he was re-elected to Ohio’s 13th Congressional District in November, that may not be enough to win a statewide election that twice voted for President Trump .

Although several key states went blue in the last presidential election and elected President Biden, Ohio has retained its red streak – which Trump reversed in 2016, after Buckeye state voted for president Obama in his two presidential elections.

The outgoing Republican senator noted the political polarization in the United States, which could prove to be a difficult hurdle for a politician trying to present himself as a moderate Democrat.

“We live in an increasingly polarized country where members of both parties are pushed further to the right and further to the left, and that means too few people are actively seeking to find common ground,” said Portman. “This is not a new phenomenon, of course, but a problem which has worsened in recent decades.”

Portman has been an Ohio Senator since 2010 and was in the House of Representatives for another 12 years before that.

Several GOP officials have also turned to Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, to take the Portman seat as several key GOP members are expected to leave the Senate in 2022, including Senator Pat Toomey, R-Penn.

But a spokesperson for Jordan told Fox News on Thursday that members of Congress have no plans to leave his post.

“Congressman Jordan is honored by the overwhelming encouragement he has received to run for the United States Senate.” However, he is only focused on representing the great people of Ohio’s Fourth District and will not be running for the seat of incumbent Senator Rob Portman. “Said the spokesperson.


“Mr. Jordan believes that at present he is in a better position to represent the people of Ohio in the House of Representatives, where, as the senior Republican on the Judiciary Committee, he can advance a first agenda. America, promote conservative values ​​and hold the big government to account, “they added.

Brooke Singman contributed to this report.


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