Hillary Clinton reminds everyone how she lost an extremely winnable race


It's as if Hillary Clinton had chosen to spend the rest of her life reminding everyone that only she could have lost the 2016 presidential election to the benefit of a former presenter. reality shows.

The former secretary of state and presidential candidate failed twice resurfaced this week in Venice to play at the White House at an art exhibition organized by the Venetian Teatro Italia. It's just as sad as it sounds, and then some.

the Washington Examiner Tim Pearce reports:

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sat in front of a replica of the Resolute office to read her old emails for an hour as part of an Italian art exhibition.

Clinton went on Tuesday to the Venice Teatro Italia in Venice to be part of the exhibition created by artist Kenneth Goldsmith. Titled "HILLARY: The Hillary Clinton Emails", the exhibition featured a fake oval Resolute Desk with over 60,000 pages of confidential Clinton emails, printed, bound and intended to be read by anyone.

This exhibition is further proof that nothing can be found false or controversial on these emails. This makes them accessible to everyone and allows everyone to read them – Clinton
m said in a report. "They are so boring."

Clinton spent almost an hour looking at paper copies of her e-mails from her position as secretary of state.

On Wednesday, Clinton's social network account tweeted a picture of her sitting at the false Resolute office with the accompanying message, "I found my emails at the Venice Biennale." Someone alert the GOP of the house.

Here's a tip: if you're trying to "own" someone, make sure you do not own yourself first. This exhibition gimmick is probably the saddest of Clinton's life after 2016, and that says a lot. The man who organized the show, Francesco Urbano Ragazzi, stated precisely in a statement to the Hill that, "The exhibition is a way to refer to an alternative world that will never exist."

Clinton's involvement in the exhibition is a reminder that she was truly the ideal candidate to lose to Trump in 2016. She managed to cross her entire marriage with President Bill Clinton without learning anything from the art of public messaging.

Remember: she made the decision this week to place herself in an imaginary setting, reminding everyone that she had lost a very winnable race. She chose to remind everyone of the scandal of her e-mails, which she created in her own way. And while flipping through hard copies of her emails, she even reminded us this week that she was in the habit of having her housemaid print out physical copies of classified information as she was also hurting equipped to cope with the modern times that she was "extremely careless. "

His post-election story looks like a political onion with each layer coming off to reveal a nearly identical layer of despair.


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