Hit 2D Game Shovel Knight … is really touched 3D Game Shovel Knight



Without a doubt one of the best retro-flavored 2D platformers in recent years (and there has been a lot d & # 39; them) Knight shovel appeared on most platforms and quickly rose through the ranks, from his humble beginnings in Kickstarter Yacht Club Games, which led to his extremely successful debut (and his innumerable expansions) and many cameos in games as well Yooka-Laylee, Blaster Master Zero and Runner3. This is a friendibo, of course, and his trophy appearance of assistance in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate no doubt cemented his legend in the canon of the video game. With all this success, there has been a lot of speculation about the next step for the hero. A 16-bit style adventure? 3D, even?

Well, it seems that the Yacht Club has already covered the latter, at least from a certain perspective. A new Boundary Break video highlights the 3D engine used by developers to create the resolutely 2D Shovel Knight.

As you can see in the video above, the player's worldview is actually a spelling projection that brings the 3D world into 2D. This is not to say that sprites or background objects are 3D models, but they are arranged in a 3D space. Boundary Break talks with programmer David D'Angelo about the system and the reason for its use. The latter is particularly useful for debugging.

It's a fascinating look at the game, literally offering a new perspective on the classic 2D. There is no doubt that separating all these layers has helped a lot for the stereoscopic 3DS version. It's a fascinating video and it's worth looking at everything when you get the chance.

"Yeah, but it's not really 3D, is not it!" Well, many of the truths to which we are attached depend greatly on our own point of view. What would you like to see the fearless Knight do next? A classic 3D platform game, maybe? Let us know below.


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