Hitman 3 improves the reflections of the first two and the size of the installation


New Hitman 3 gameplay video shows Ian Hitman’s first few minutes in Dubai, the dystopian city beloved by Jim Davidson and #sponcon #influencers. He came to commit murders when the tallest building in the world opened, and it’s pretty. The Game Informer video doesn’t show a lot of stealth or murder, but it does look good. Some of the technical improvements for Hit 3 will also benefit the first two games, one of the game’s developers revealed, including more sophisticated reflections and a smaller setup size.

I like the Ian Hitman jumpsuit floating in the skyscraper breeze. I’m sure the game has a lot of other ways to start the mission, going through the previous two games.

Hitman 3 is set to launch on January 20 on the Epic Games Store. Yes, it’s a timed exclusive. It will also be on Xbox, PlayStations and Stadia. It will also be on Switch exclusively as via cloud gaming, which is curious.

One of the Io Interactive gang members discussed the tech a bit in the video thread on the ResetEra forums, under the username “A Path Finder” – checked by mods.

“We upgraded the engine with reflections on the screen space,” they explained after the brilliants caught some people’s attention. “Better thing? It’s backward compatible with the previous two games in the trilogy and a lot of surfaces have been improved. This has people speculating, which prompted a response.

The developer said in a follow-up: “We definitely have some reflections in the other two games, but we have indeed upgraded the engine with screen space reflections (for the base ps4 / xbox one too) and so there will be a lot more thoughtful goodness around this time around. For example, the floor of the Paris fashion show now fully reflects the models and the rest of the room, which makes the storyline more impressive 🙂 ”. The entire trilogy will also benefit from other improvements.

Screenshot from Hitman 3 showing Agent 74 in Chongqing.

“The three games with all the content will take around 100 GB,” the developer said. “The biggest gains are due to the management of the data and the file structures and the way we deliver the game so that we can remove the duplicate data,” they later explained to the techheads. “We’re also using newer and better compression for textures – that helps too.”

Io Interactive is also working on a James Bond game, called Project 007.

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