"HOME" from BTS Review | Fork


New album of the BTS, CARD OF THE AME: PERSONA, with more than 3 million pre-orders, and the video of the single "Boy With Luv" is on track to set world records for its already impressive viewing. Given all these successes, we can assume that the seven members of the group are strangers to sadness. The flagship title of the album, "HOME", projects an image of luxury without worries. If you took into account the lyrics in English of the song, you'd be forgiven for thinking it's a song about the wealth displayed and the joy of being. But despite this talk of "big cars" and "shin[ing] with flashing lights, the BTS are not satisfied. "The more empty I am, the more I am with people, the lighter I feel," Jimin sings in the pre-chorus. Suddenly, the shining luster of the song looks like a facade.

As a spokesman for South Korea as a whole, the BTS must undoubtedly face insurmountable pressure to represent their country with grace. Last year, the leader of the BTS, RM, released a solo single that hinted at his conflicting feelings about such a position. This song, however, was outwardly melancholy – a huge contrast to the sparkling confidence that "HOME" seems to exude.

In a sense, "HOME" represents their current situation; While the majority of the world will find that it's a comfortable R & B song, BTS is an invisible pain. They talk about wanting to spend time with a lover and how that person feels rich – at home. At the end of the song, they are in the presence of this lover and finally find comfort. While BTS fans have sought hope and inspiration in their socially conscious messages, the K-pop group, which ranks on the charts charts, has clearly stated that it needs the consolation of others too, that even though they are literally the largest group in the world, they're still human.


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