[運動科學] Method of rinsing with Carb syrup | Eric Poon


The World Cup is full of people, I wonder if you have an impression of "spraying" this year's players, it turns out that it's not a simple "wet mouth and wet. " Some foreign experts have pointed out that they are likely to use the method of saccharification (also known as "carbohydrate solution," Carb Rinsing), which is popular in sports nutrition in recent years.

Scientific Principles

Many friends have the habit of drinking sports drinks during intense long-term exercise and many studies have shown that drinking 6-8% of these drinks can help the body to to exercise. Sugar consumption, thus improving the performance (refer to the other article of the author "[克服炎夏] 7 badysis of sports drinks on the market"). However, many competitions have a tight pace, there are not many holes in the middle of the game. Some athletes have a chance to consume too much sugar (eg sports drinks and energy gel) in a short time and there is a risk of gastrointestinal distress. Play On the other hand, individual athletes need to lose weight and are not suitable for taking too many calories in the middle of the exercise. Therefore, researchers have studied in the past if there is an alternative method that is simpler and does not even require that sugar be absorbed into the body.

Professor Asker Jeukendrup, an international sports nutrition specialist, and his team first conducted a study in 2004, recruiting a group of cycling athletes to perform two 40-kilometer tests (approximately one hour). One of them must gargle with a sweet drink for about 5 seconds (then spit) both about 8 minutes, and the other is only a clear mouth with water . As a result, it was found that a test with a sip of sugar water was on average faster than 1 minute, and the utility was remarkable. The team offered the following explanation "Mouth-Brain Connection":

The sugar in the mouth drink at the mouth stimulates the sensory receptor in the mouth, allowing it to pbad The message goes to the central nervous system of the brain that there will be food entering the digestive system.

The "deception" of the brain produces a sense of energy that, in turn, reduces the athlete's conscious difficulties, maintains focus and delays fatigue.

This study has had important repercussions in the past, and many researchers have used similar mouthwash methods and found that it also had considerable effects on different types of sports performance such as the race and the ball. Some people have questioned the effectiveness of the method of mouthwash because of the psychological effect or taste of the drink, but the sugar of the sports drink can stimulate the cerebral cortex, otherwise the sugar artificial sweet of the same sweet taste can not be proved. The nerve conduction effect of the mouthwash method is indeed related to the chemical structure of the sugar.

Practice Suggestions

For coaches and athletes interested in the above methods, refer to the latest literature recommendations:

  1. Use sweet drinks every 10-20 minutes during exercise to gargle -10 seconds, can enhance the performance of high intensity exercise for 30 to 70 minutes
  2. This method is particularly suitable for athletes who are inclined to the & secondes athlètes [[[[[[[[[[[gastrointestinaldiscomfortorwhoneedtoloseweightEffectivebutiftheexerciselastsmorethan90minutesitisrecommendedtotakeamoderateamountofcarbohydratestopreventhypoglycemiaandglycogendepletion(19659011)ofathletesbefored'UsethismethodincompetitionMustbefamiliarwithreducetheriskofadversereactions(suchascongestionandrespiratoryrate)andshouldpayattentiontohealth
  3. There are studies that show that the effect of mouthwash method is more important. At an ideal level, physical strength is more abundant, it is best to take an appropriate amount of carbohydrate 2 to 3 hours before exercise and then consider it in full exercise. The combination of the law


The development of sports science is becoming more and more mature: more and more teams and athletes are actively practicing various scientific courses: example of sputum of sugar and water attracts attention. Of course, there is no single method in the world that suits everyone: many factors affect performance, and the effect varies from person to person. However, the author believes that knowing more innovative and achievable methods will help us to be flexible and adapt to different situations, and the long-term performance will naturally lead to next level.

Limited space, this article first wrote here. I do not know if you have any comments on Carb Rinse

(Thanks to dietitians for providing valuable professional advice for this article.) If you want to get personalized advice on the sports diet, it is recommended to consult a professional. People make badessments.)


  • Carter JM, AE Jeukendrup, Jones DA The effect of carbohydrate mouth rinse on the test performance of 1 hour cycle time Exercise Med Sci Sports 2004 36 (12): 2107-11
  • by Ataide and Silva T, Di Cavalcanti Alves de Souza ME, by Amorim JF, Stathis CG, Leandro CG, Lima-Silva AE.Rubio hydrate mouth can improve performance during exercise? A systematic review. (1): 1-10.
  • Jensen M, M Klimstra, Sporer B, Stellingwerff T. Effect of carbohydrate mouth rinsing on performance after prolonged submaximal cycle Exercise Med Sci Sports 2017 Dec.

Image Source: New York Times
Foreign Media Reports: https://nyti.ms/2Jc7wTb

Text: Eric Poon (Sports Science Health, recognized fitness expert NSCA-CSCS, exercise physiologist ACSM-EPC )

Original text from EP Health & Health
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