11 dead 8! Kenya black rhinoceros "drinking salt water" Happy to enter a tragedy … | ETtoday Pet Cloud | ETtoday News Cloud


  ▲ ▼ 8 black rhinos died in Kenya. The photo shows a photograph of black rhino taken at Nairobi National Park on January 14, 2006. It is unclear what the black rhinoceros is. (Photo / Dazhi Image / Associated Press)

▲ 8 black rhinos died in Kenya. The photo shows a photograph of black rhino taken at Nairobi National Park on January 14, 2006. It is unclear what the black rhinoceros is. (Photo / Dazhi Image / Associated Press)

Trainee Journalist Yuan Yin / Full Report

Kenya's 11 Black Endangered Rhinoceroses, Relocated from Nairobi and Nakuru National Parks to Nairobi and Nairobi National Parks Nakuru When Tsavo East National Park was in it was suspected that eight black rhinos had been killed due to saltwater consumption. The initial attempt to promote black rhinoceros breeding has become the cause of slaughter of animals.

The comprehensive foreign media reports, the statement from the Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife, indicate that the preliminary results of the investigation show that this tragedy will occur because the drinking water of the 'new home "is more salty and the black rhino inappropriate. A complete test is currently underway, and the surviving black rhino is also closely watched.

According to the World Wide Fund for Nature, there are about 5,000 black rhinos in the world, including 750 in Kenya. Mulie Muia, director of the communications department of Kenya's Ministry of Tourism, said "This is a disaster" .By the past, similar actions have never been done so much rhinoceros. "In this operation, nearly 80% of the rhinos died!"

Paula Kahumbu, executive director of the nonprofit WildlifeDirect, said: "We lost nearly 1% rhinoceros in Kenya in less than a week ]as if to make obsolete decades of conservation tasks.

Kahambu mentioned that moving rhinoceroses is a very complicated task, because of the value of these endangered animals, making the task look like "ingots". Gold moving "" I can not imagine the pain of these poor animals before dying, we are now worried about the remaining three black rhinos, fearing that they can not survive. "[19659008] If the eight rhinos die, they drink salty water The remaining black rhinos will also face great risks of survival

▼ Paula Kahumbu, executive director of the 39, non-read organization WildlifeDirect, described the death of eight black rhinos in Kenya as "a disaster." (Photo / Dazhi Image / Associated Press)

 ▲ ▼ The executive director of the nonprofit organization, WildaDirect, Paula Kahumbu, has described the death of eight black rhinos in Kenya. Disaster.

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