1v4 suspense sport mobile game "Fifth Personality" iOS officially listed Regulators VS escapers who would you choose? :: Game Base Game Base


The mobile game 1V4 Sports Suspense "Fifth Personality" with a unique gameplay style and the most innovative competitive gameplay, after a long wait, has finally officially launched on iOS today (5). Players will be able to visit the mysterious mansion, but be prepared to do it, and the strange and horrible case will shock your heart! At the same time as the game came out on the market, the agent Long Hao also announced that many wellness activities also began with the game, in addition to the well-known animator who will broadcast the game strategy. Do not miss these many good things!

  Figure 01

Scary and Hunting Escape

Four Main Features of the Game Invert Your Vision of the Game
On the occasion of the list of games, we also see the sensation here and elsewhere, and are appreciated by players around the world. "The Fifth Personality", what kind of charm can attract everyone's attention?

The most unique Gothic aesthetic combination of the art
Almost all games on the market are advertised as American style, super Beautiful scenes, watching for a long time, can only make people visually tired, and "Fifth Personality" completely disrupts the inherent aesthetics of the game, the dark and strange and empty retro scenes, the button eyes and the messy Gothic style, which brings the player is a completely different visual shock! Although I was a little scared at first, but playing deeply, it makes people more and more like that.

  Figure 02

Singular audio-visual feast of the gothic absurd world

The interface more mysterious plot The case of super-integration
is completely different from the standard interface of other games. "Five Personality" began to enter the game with a mysterious case of disappearance, leading the player into the abandoned mansion to investigate the case. Step by step, learn the different models and the gameplay of the game. In the repeated repetition of the case, the player will gradually unravel the layers of mystery, but at the same time, he can explore everywhere in the mansion and choose different Game systems. The player seems to be trapped in dark space forever, and he will continue to kill. Or a strange life to escape.

  Figure 03

The Revelation of the Twists in the History of the Carnival Mansion

The Most Innovative Competitive Gameplay Hunting and Assbadination Four of Four
The competitive game puts the emphasis on fair play, Almost all games strive to balance the balance of all players, creating a completely symmetrical competitive environment: in "Fifth Personality ", he breaks this type of thinking and creates a unique asymmetrical pursuit. The game's supervisors are powerful, and the four survivors have an absolute advantage. This asymmetric battle has led to more changes in game skills. How do regulators use strategies to fight an enemy? How do survivors use their own promotions? The skills help each other The skills and the reactions of the players will be tested again

  Figure 04 [19659003Experienceofthegameofthegameasymmetricgame

The most abundant characteristics of character Each unique skill [19659007] In the game "Five Personality", the regulator and the survivor have Many characters are available to the players. Unlike competitive games, which are simply different in appearance and skill, each character in the game has its own history. Most regulators have twisted and tragic experiences, and they have turned into cruel murderers who like to kill because of various unfair treatments. Survivors are distinguished by the profession, and different professions bring their own special skills, they are involved in this game for different reasons such as money, love, hostility and so on. When the player chooses to enter the character, all the story twists will be in a game that will speed up your heart rate.

  Figure 05

Role of the personality of a variety of professional skills with

Celebrate the opening of service activities
[Global Pre-Registration Rewards]
Time of Event: 30 days after service opening
Activity Content: Players who take Register and connect in the time allowed can complete the pre-registration ceremony.

[Saison de Raisonnement Rationnel]
Occurrence Time: First Season
Activities: The first season, the path reasoning reward upgrade! , will be able to receive the corresponding character mode, the highest can get Qizhen fashion: Magician – Platinum Aladdin!

[19659006] [Partagez vos sept jours de connaissances]
Event Time: July 5, 2018
Activities: Share your gaming experience, you can receive exclusive sharing rewards!

[Wonderful live Aperçu de l'activité]
July 5, 2018, 8 pm violent Xiaojian will show the wonderful survival guide, please lock the violent channel Xiaojian Twitch.

This related news link:
The "The Fifth Personality" official website
※ "Fifth Personality" iOS download
※ "Fifth Personality" FB fan official group

1v4 Athletic suspense mobile game "Fifth Personality" iOS officially listed regulator VS escaper you will get Who is it?
The mobile game 1V4 Sports Suspense "Fifth Personality" with a unique game style and the most innovative competitive gameplay, after a long wait, has finally officially launched on iOS today (5). You can visit the mysterious mansion, but you must be mentally prepared, oh …

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