29-year-old couple with a property plus a bond base, a monthly income of 12,500 yuan |


[Dossiers financiers, base de la dette acheteuse plus] The 29-year-old reader A Sheng, with his wife of the same age, has a total of 3 projects to move into a social housing to buy a building, buy an income based on the debt Money

Author: 谂 Sir (Homebloggerhk) | Photo: New Media Reference Room, Online Photo

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I am 29 years old, I am married and I have the age of my wife, there is a child who is not a year old, because I have to m & # 39; # 39; occupy children and want to save more money, I will live with my retired parents.

I will transfer 48,000 yuan a month, my wife will change jobs in the short term, and the monthly income will fall from 40,000 to 16,000 yuan.

500,000 yuan of cash are available, the other husband and wife can keep a monthly savings of 30,000 yuan, and the A-line fund and life insurance must be 2,000 yuan and 1,000 yuan respectively.

In terms of badets, there is a private unit in Ngau Tau Kok, bought with a single name of $ 4.45 million, whose current market value is about 4.7 million dollars and remains in the bank of $ 3.1 million. After the management fee, etc., the monthly cash flow of about 1400 yuan can be produced. It is hoped that the social housing will be moved in three years and will move to the Hong Kong area to facilitate the work, the first being that the wife will use the 500,000 yuan in cash for the first phase and that the only name will buy a property of 400 yuan with 90% mortgage.

Another plan is to borrow a tax loan of about 700,000 yuan and add 500,000 yuan to buy income and interest based on debt.

The third plan is to transfer my unique property to seven million copies after three years, plus one million yuan of money and 700,000 yuan of debt-based income in three years, in waiting for the possibility of full pay. In the property of about 3 million yuan.

Is it feasible to achieve the goal of achieving a total of ten million badets in a lifetime? Is the risk too high?

Reader A Sheng

 Purchase based on the debt purchase of a building plus cash dividend

Purchase based on the debt purchase building plus dividend in cash

Asheng, 29 years old There are three plans to realize a property with a woman of the same age: they will move to a public subdivision to buy a house and buy a debt-based income and a deposit of interest .

The pbadive income generation method

If only one person has a building in hand, they can benefit from 90%.

Note that the cash amount is based on the 2% annual interest rate that the bank typically gives, rather than on the 10-year interest rate of the four-in-one. Of course, the property must be kept for self-occupation, otherwise it can only be 50%.

Readers are facing a turning point: for example, if the wife can ensure that the money is cashed before the transfer, there will be more funds in hand, which will make it much easier. life of the three houses.

On the contrary, after the woman's employment income fell to 14,000 yuan, the family's borrowing power will fall to about 8 million yuan (48,000 + 14,000 yuan), 10,000 × 50% × 2.59 *] With the power of borrowing, the path to financial freedom in the future will certainly be more difficult.

After the addition, it can cover 1.13 million yuan (4.7 million × 90% – 3.1 million yuan), and the building will be transferred to the woman.

By relying on a person to pay for the building, people are more committed to epilepsy, so the author continues to provide some methods to generate pbadive income.

Clearly, the debt base is better

plus a monthly mortgage of about 16,000 yuan (4.23 ÷ 2.59 * × 10,000), the lease of 14,400 yuan, the burial of the Money and other expenses, monthly cash flow is 2,000 yuan.

The monthly rent of 4.7 million buildings was 14,400 yuan and the rent was only 3.6%. Readers should slowly take the investment in the purchase of a building. In recent years, I have to pay 2,000 yuan a month, I have to pay between 1.13 million yuan and 500,000 yuan, what can I do for 1.63 million yuan?

Suggested debt for young people and young students. For those who want to protect their capital and have more capital, they tend to go into debt directly, with the return varying with the cost of financing different amounts of investment, but the return on capital does not come down. is not changed.

Readers clearly use the debt base and inject 1 million yuan into the debt base, which can yield 12,500 yuan a month, which shows that it is important to understand the different allocations of capital.

Another method of saving is to use insurance, of course, not the A-word fund and the life insurance that the reader has purchased.

The insurance mentioned by the author, one is to make the supply, the second is low security, and the third is to return 10%.

The details are not in this one.In short, in the case of readers, you can use dual insurance plan, put 400,000 yuan, and then put more than 400,000 in five years you can use your name to go to the second house at the age of 34. .

After several changes, readers have more than 10,000 yuan a month, which can help catch up with the first phase of the purchase of a house five years later.

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