3 Hong Kong uses the 5G network for live outdoor broadcasts for outdoor testing in the 3.5 GHz and 28 GHz bands


November 29, 2018 • Life Technology •

3 Hong Kong has successfully completed the 5G outdoor test in the 3.5 GHz band, which has become one of the first network operators to test the outdoor network in two 5G bands. On the same day, 3HK also invited the media to conduct a field visit to the 5G Mobile Network Test Base Station at Kaichao Road, Causeway Bay.

Yesterday (28) 3 Hong Kong successfully completed the 5G Live Outdoor Broadcast at the junction of Kaichao Road and Lee Garden Road in Causeway Bay with a 5G network 5GHz network. 3HK set up a Mbadive MIMO test base station in a Qichao Road building to test network speed and coverage with 5G network equipment and 100 MHz spectral resources in the 3.5 GHz band, whose network speed in the field is greater than 2 Gbps.

▲ The current 5G base station of the 3.5 GHz frequency band is located at the intersection of Liyuan Mountain Road and Qichao Road Roads. 3 Hong Kong refers to coverage up to the Gooseneck Bridge.

Three Hong Kong on-site controllers presented a mobile test platform at the junction of Kai Chiu Road and Lee Wan Shan Roads in Causeway Bay to broadcast 360-degree live video over the Internet, with the signal being connected to Internet via a 5G network, at Yee Wo Street. 3 The Hong Kong store opened this webcast and saw extremely smooth images.

▲ 5G client terminal equipment connected to the Internet

▲ 3 base station baseband unit Hong Kong 5G

3 Hong Kong stated that, compared with the results of the 28GHz millimeter-wave band test, the coverage of the 3.5 GHz IF band has obvious advantages. Using Mbadive MIMO technology, the coverage of the 3.5 GHz band is comparable to that of the LTE 1800 band. 3 Hong Kong means that 5G technology has to work long-term in different frequency bands: the 28GHz band, for example, offers high speed, while the 3.5GHz band can create a wide range of continuous coverage, allowing 5G services to be seamlessly connected. Through a number of field tests, understanding of the 3.5 GHz and 28 GHz frequency bands by the Hong Kong technical team will be enhanced to facilitate the deployment of technology and technology. 39, infrastructure 5G.

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Keywords: 3hk, 3 Hong Kong, 5G

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