30 members from the United Kingdom jointly urge the government to pay attention to the rule of law in Hong Kong |


[Epoch Times, 18 juillet 2018] More than 30 members of the British party and the House of Commons The Foreign Ministry is required to respect the fundamental freedoms and rule of law in Hong Kong and to ensure that the Hong Kong Government enforces the Public Order Ordinance to prosecute and severely punish protesters to imprisonment and the CCP to abuse the National Congress. Concerned that the judicial independence of Hong Kong has been damaged.

More than 30 members of the House of Lords and House of Commons, Liberal Democrats, Conservative Party, Labor Party and Democratic Unity Party, including the former Minister of Finance Foreign Affairs Catherine West Member of the House of Representatives, Mark Pawsey, and former leader of Liberal Democrats, Lord Ashdown. They wrote to the British Foreign Minister that he would act on the pressure of the rule of law in Hong Kong.

The United Kingdom has the legal obligation to monitor and promote the rule of law and fundamental freedoms in Hong Kong until the end of the transfer period in 2047. The boom long-term trading relationship between the United Kingdom and Hong Kong is based on "one country, two systems". The transparent and fair business environment and the protection of fundamental freedoms.

They fear that the Hong Kong government has used the law to punish the fight against democracy.After the umbrella movement, a third of democratic legislators were prosecuted by the government.More than 100 protesters were colonized by the authorities and have violated the UN. Ordinance of the Ordinance on the Public Ordinance relating to the Human Rights Directives. The letter does not mention the name of the local democratic front Liang Tianqi was sentenced to six years, the young New Deal Liang Yiheng, and Yu Wei were sentenced to "illegal badembly crimes" in the Legislative Council.

The CCP abused the law to undermine the judicial independence of Hong Kong

The letter also mentioned that Beijing is increasingly using and abusing the power of the NPC, or undermines the independence of Hong Kong's judiciary. For example, some members of the Legislative Council were expelled from the Legislative Council because of the interpretation of the law, the interpretation of which violated fundamental human rights and was condemned by the Hong Kong Bar Association as non-compliant to the power of interpretation given in Beijing by the Basic Law.

The joint deputies asked the British government to raise concerns through high-level diplomacy and report through the reports submitted by the UN Human Rights Council in accordance with the mechanism Universal Periodic Review. They believe that the previous report of China ignored the human rights situation in Hong Kong and that the British Foreign Office should expose these situations to the UN. In addition, Hong Kong's latest governor, Patten, was interviewed by NTDTV after attending the event in the UK last week and said that the Ordinance on Public Order was used against protesters: "I think that public order has been abolished.The Public Safety Ordinance was originally designed to deal with the turmoil of the Cultural Revolution and it is now used to repress the democratic movement. "He believes that the Hong Kong government should defend the people of Hong Kong and uphold the rule of law.The freedom granted by the Declaration of the British Union also encourages friends around the world to pay attention to what happened in Hong Kong Publisher: Li Wei

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