90 minutes without the World Cup, no Mayday! Five fans disappointed and cried .. The reason for fans is out | ETtoday Starlight Cloud | ETtoday News Cloud


Reporter Lu Weiling / Taipei Report

The world-renowned world championships began at 11:00 am on the evening of the 15th. Recently, FIFA official Weibo announced that the match will broadcast Taiwan Tianduan Mayday "Stubborn", becoming the only one in 2018. Chinese songs played at the world championships. When the news came out, the five fans were very excited, they watched the live broadcast, they wanted to see the moment when "Reluctance" was heard by the world, they watched the whole game and disappointed a lot of fans because that Was TV or webcast. I did not hear the song.

 ▲ ▼ Mayday. (Figure / believe in the music provided)

▲ Mayday "Stubborn" aired on the World Cup. (Figure / believe in the music provided)

The world champions opened on the evening of the 15th, finally France beat Croatia in 4: 2, a fierce competition has boiled the world. However, Taiwanese fans still have a point of interest, namely the moment when the Mayday Reluctance is played, but the song is played on the game. Taiwanese fans can not be heard live, which disappoints also a large number of fans. However, the fans who watched the match in Russia said that the "Stubborn" has already been broadcast on the spot while it has not started yet, the audience who watched the broadcast in direct after the start of the event has already missed the opportunity.

 ▲ ▼ Mayday. (Figure / believe in the music provided)

▲ five fans through the live broadcast, can not hear "stubborn". (figure / believe in music)

The entire game was played for 90 minutes and after changing middle, it went into advertising time and did not hear "Reluctance": "For Mayday, I I'm too big to watch the World Cup for the first time. " "There is nothing like the" World Cup "that the five fans have heard." Some people finally gave up the smile "Memorize a hot search, I did not hear it, I fell asleep."

 ▲ ▼ World Cup May. (Figure / microblogging flip)

▲ fans have stated that Mayday "Stubborn" broadcast on the hot field. (图 / 翻 摄 微 博)

However, although "Stubborn" could not be heard live, Mayday created another "Taiwan Light" After receiving the news in May, I also responded by believing in the music: "I'm honored that this song can bring you strength." On the occasion of the May 1st tour, which is about to go 100 games, Mayday is gaining momentum and the world is hearing Mayday. »More thanks to all the fans who voted: "I hope that all children who love sport can have more … Support and encouragement!"

 ▲ World Cup 2018, France VS Croatia. Mario Mandzukic scored (Photo / Reuters)

▲ ▼ World championships, from France to Upper Croatia. (Photo / Reuters)

 ▲ 2018 World Cup, France VS Croatia. Mario Mandzukic scored (Photo / Reuters) "width =" 600 "height =" 403

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