90 years of football riots, giving birth to Croatia | Apple Daily


[International Center ╱ Comprehensive Report] In this World Cup, there are many Croatian fans who dress in the red and white plaid of the national emblem, and they cheerfully encourage the "Lattice Legion" on the sideline, there are close 30 years old. It was also the result of the support of the team's supporters, which ultimately led to the independence of Croatia.

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In 1990, Croatia, still a member of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, had an independent atmosphere. On May 13 of this year, the Gram team and the Red Star Team of Yugoslavia faced each other shortly after the start of the match, the supporters of both sides clashed and rushed to the front. places, forcing the police into action. At the time, the positions of the military and the police were controlled by the Serbs and when they saw their fans being beaten by the police, the players also slammed the door, the captain of the team. generator, Zvonimir Boban. The gram, so that the voices out of control of the Cypriots have become higher and higher, the gramman declared independence through the independent referendum every two years.

The area of ​​Croatia is about 57 000 square kilometers, equivalent to 1.5 times Taiwan, with a population of about 4.13 million inhabitants, barely higher than the city of New Taipei. Although it is not as famous in Taiwan as Hungary or the Czech Republic, it has more than 6,200 kilometers of beautiful coastline, 1,200 small islands, 8 national parks, 8 World Heritage sites, towns and castles medieval Europeans. The beauty of the landscape is famous, and it's the location of the famous HBO album "Song of Ice and Fire".

In addition, Croatian men are also known for their strong image, with an average height of 180 cm, they are sealed as "European hard", they are not fleshy and even the famous dishes are not sheep integers. The identification system of ties and fingerprints is also attributed to Croatia, the first having been introduced in Western Europe by local merchants in the 17th century, while the second was developed in 1890 by a local anthropologist, Busson.

Location map of Croatia.

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