PlayMusic Music Network – PlayMusic Music Network – Ants and Hornets



The first work of "The Ant Man" three years ago, the original hope of becoming the most diverse works of the cosmic style of Marvel, but unfortunately after the disappointment of the ghosts of comedy due to creative ideas, Ed Glitter In the end, it was difficult to escape the fate of a fast-food film Man Wei, a heroic journey too repetitive with the first set of original narrative structures from the Marvel Universe, and the "master took the apprentice". And since the sequel "Ants and Hornets" is also the main composition of Peyton Reed + Paul Rudd, we can imagine that it will not be good or bad, and all aspects are competent, but not too much The highlight that deserves to be mentioned is.

Compared to naughty intrigues or large-scale threats involving public safety, the model of "Ants and Hornets" is relatively narrow and private, and the narrative's emphasis is placed in the arrangement family drama; Scott Ron and Hank Pim and their daughters reinforce the alienation of their family, and continue to extend the same proposal: in addition to deepening the father and daughter exercises of the two generations of ants, they add complexes and protagonists similar to the camp of the wicked. The group's father and daughter echoed each other. Compared to the function of the first episode of the secondary line, the weight of this family can almost dominate the promotion of the entire film, which is a series of conflicts between advantages and disadvantages.


"The Ant and the Wasps" disappeared from the former thief movie formula, and changed in the mantle of the family hot comedy, the sect of the wicked is more so good at computation Or they emphasize their hostility towards the protagonist (although there are still some personal grievances), on the contrary, their interests are very private and they are not intended to cause unnecessary harm to the outside world they are just trying to fight themselves and their loved ones. The vitality, the vitality of the line, happens to be the quantum technology that the protagonist group is also eager to reach, and quantum technology is the only hope for the Hankpym group to reunite with their families. The objectives sought by the two parties are not different from the search motives.

But what remains unchanged is that the "ghosts" Ava and "Gola," the villains of Bill Foster, are still cut off, and they came out of nowhere, and all the motives and origins of crimes come from the background. All of a sudden, you are given a lazy bag in the same scene (usual lazy way of Hollywood), because the directors are extremely superficial, the taste of the "tools" is too important, inevitably making them fall in the usual traitors. The angles of the singularity of the corners facilitate membership in the Marvel & # 39; s Freedom Club, but the public should have been used to it as a "management". However, Marvel Films apparently still has an arrangement for the future of Ghost and Bill Foster, and the final output of both is a big hit.


The great similarity between the plots "Ant Man" and "Iron Man" is often spat out by fans, in fact, in some ways, "The Fourts and the Wasps" also 2 "Some similarities, such as Lawrence Fischer, who plays Bill Foster, and the bad's father, are representatives of the broken relationship with the protagonist's father (Hanke Pim) (to say irony, Hank Pim In the past, because of the demystification of Howard Stark and Aegis, the private development of the particles of Pim was hated by them, I do not know that this time, because of the same crime of monopolizing the results of the cooperation, he was avenged. The role of Wharton Goggins is like Justin Hanmer, played by Sam Rockwell, and the advanced invention of the protagonist, who is eager to make huge profits.

This episode can detect an interesting phenomenon: Paul Rudd , who is also a screenwriter, began to infuse his usual childhood image and the slaps of American comedy in the series "Ant Man", and his past performances. The comedies tend to get closer and closer, gradually becoming the most pleasant charm, the wildest and probably the only charm of the series "Ant Man": the personal touch of Paul Rudd is more and more related to the ant. Inseparable, when the story seems more and more vulgar, his natural joy is more and more indispensable. "The Fourts and the Hornets" is a very conservative and standard conservative card, without an actor with a good audience like Paul Rudd, it's hard to hide the boring atmosphere of the film itself.


Since the release of "Avengers Alliance 3: Battle of the Infinite" for several months, it has been said that "Avengers 4" will have ants going back to past episodes, but A hidden tail seems to have indirectly confirmed this very realistic plot speculation, the film directly claiming that the quantum field has the ability to create a spatio-temporal vortex, and that when Sanos 'touched a finger', the story of the trapped quantum field Court Langen is simply not under the "play at his fingertips" (the quantum domain has gone beyond the service area of ​​Infinite Gems Telecom? XD), the Hank Pim family does not have to "play on his fingers" (the quantum domain has overtaken the Infinite Gems Telecom? XD service area), the Hank Pim family does not. is not spared, but the only lucky Scott has escaped. So the accident became the badet for the next round of the war?

Michelle Pfeiffer's gas field with the "Ant Man" series is too big to use (but think about it, Marvel has already wasted Cate Blanche, it does not seem bad), Mike Douglas calls it Kay Kay Saline Rita Jones gets into the old makeup of the crew and pulls it!

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