Dawei Persian The first batch of all-mosquito households 14 people have crossed 5 million – Newsletter website hkej.com


Yuan Zhan (00035) Tai Wai Mei Tin Road, a new single-storey apartment, launched the first batch of 50 gangs yesterday. The developer reissued the price list last night. The reduced price of the first batch has was reduced from 22,115 yuan to 21,496 yuan. Yuan, still up to 36% higher than the market price of a subdivision of opportunity in the same neighborhood. The agent said that the first batch of mosquito units with a total number of more than 200 square feet, 14 rounds of reduced prices below 5 million yuan, is attractive to pbadengers.

The first batch of Percy was a one-bedroom household, with a real price of 4.226 million to 6.859 million yuan, and the price was 19101 to 24101 yuan, the highest price being 10,496 yuan compared to the regional price. In the last sale of the new Panyu, the first batch of real estate prices in November last year was 18,198 yuan, up 18.1% over 8 months. Compared to the housing estates of yesteryear in the same neighborhood, the price difference is even greater.

The Percy entrance unit is a 5th floor C room, with a practical surface of 201 square meters, expected in Shatian District with a reduction of approximately 42.26 million yuan and a price of 21026 yuan.

With regard to the republication of the price list by the promoter last night, the salable area of ​​several units is different from the first price list, some units have changed their selling prices and the number of units has changed. units with a price less than 5 million yuan has been reduced. For 14 people. The first round of the project will not have a big buy, and the demonstration units and bills will be open today, and will be sold as early as next week.

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