The star inside the small universe "癖" World Cup US – Free Sports


Honda Keisuke is wearing a two-handed watch.

Journalist Luo Zhipeng / Special Report

Suarez did not like to receive blessings and cheers from friends and family on the day of the match. (Photo information)

The captain of England Kane is the hot spot of this year's Golden Boot Award. (Information)

Messi has the habit of positioning the ball, he kneels and pretends to tie the laces. (Source)

Foreword: The 20th World Cup in Russia at the 2018 World Cup will start at 10 pm tonight, from France to Uruguay. Before the duel of life and death, let's take a quick subject. Do you know why Gritzman wears long-sleeved shirts? How does Fellaini take care of his explosive head? What is the situation when Honda Keisuke wears his watch? The answer above is all in the "Free Sports" World Football Star.

Please read on …

Portuguese star C. Ronaldo has no tattoos. (from the Internet)

Messi knotted the lace "false action"

Messi the balloon Argentine Messi fencing the balloon usually, he kneels at first and pretended to tie the laces, in fact, untreated, he observed The guard got up, and when the guard stood motionless, he was ready to kick the ball. Messi, who measures less than 170 centimeters, says, "I'm small, my eyes are stuck by the wall, I do not see where the guard is … by squatting and pretending to tie the laces, the line of sight enters the wall to observe the position of the guardian. Open the balloon. "

C Ronaldo does not tattoo" Super Love "

Many football stars have tattoos, but Portugal C. Ronaldo has no tattoos, the reason is very hot because it has a habit of fixed blood donation I hope to help more people, but foreign stipulated tattoo artists are not allowed to donate blood in the year, and he just does not stab.Two years ago, Cristiano Ronaldo was the world's ambbadador for blood donors, he usually gave money to help poor children and disabled people on the ground, he is not only gifted for the sport, but also good for the heart

Neymar is "sister control"

C Luo's no tattoos, Neymar has, but Neymar is not a parent or a child, but his 4-year-old sister Rafaella Beckran face totem, shoot With the sleeves on the sleeves, the tattoos of Neymar's right arm are clearly visible, and the e brothers Sisters do not need to express their words. In addition, Neymar's left shoulder stabbed the Italian word "sorella", meaning "sister".

Gritzman for Beckham "wearing long sleeves"

French striker Gritzman wore long-sleeved shirts, his original idol is Beckham, Beckham once liked wearing long-sleeved games to pay homage to idols . I had to draw the gourd as well as the long sleeves and the No. 7 jersey. He said: "Beckham has put up many good examples on and off the pitch, the right foot is a must, and j & rsquo; Hopes to have the opportunity to communicate with him. "

Beckham revealed that he was wearing a long-sleeved jersey. Tattoos can offend players and fans in other countries, and do not want the outside world to focus on the tattoos on his hands, so that the sponsors are affected.

Fellaini's explosive head "cautious machine"

Belgian midfielder Fellaini is 194 centimeters tall, with good hammer-foot and head strokes, but his explosive head is the most explosive. The advantage is that it can make his face look smaller. Fellaini bought a mansion in Manchester, England, the current market value is nearly 100 million Taiwanese dollars, a total of 7 rooms, one of which is designed as a barber shop, and every week the hairdresser is solicited. I'm proud of it.

Suarez hates "Gao Gongzi"

In the eyes of fans, Suarez may be a geek player who "likes to bite people", but biting people is not his habit, but he insists, by example, on two teams Entering the court slowly, he likes the last to leave the channel of the players. On match day, he did not like receiving the blessings of his friends and family, he cheered newsletters and he even hated the "Guigongzi players" who were spoiled at home. Suarez was born in poverty and struggled to make a living on his own.

Honda Keiyou adores the "table" now

Who said the watch could only carry one hand? Honda Keisuke is wearing a watch for both hands! The Japanese journalist asked him why he wanted to do this: "When you wear a watch with both hands, it helps the body to balance." The other answer is very good: "When the watch is bought , it must be worn, if placed

Kane does not come "Hu" come

The captain of England, Kane, was elected captain of the Premier League team of 2014 in Hotspur, the same year. In order to continue good luck, as long as he scores, he will not shave, quite superstitious. This year's World Cup Kane has a scoring record as long as he's playing, and his beard is lengthened and seems to want to keep it lucky.

Muller "who wears big shoes" help

The average person wears shoes and wants to wear shoes, not too bad, but the German Muller machine does not think so, the shoes are used to select a few -unes, "The double, turning around can be faster The reason is quite special In the previous two World Cups, Muller scored 5 goals, but unfortunately this year is zero.

Draxler loves the" perfume "

The spray scent is a habit of a lot of people, but when it is sprayed, it becomes a quirk.The young German Draxler midfielder had the habit of spraying perfume before l? Training and competition, he was happy, sometimes his teammates could not stand him, he asked him if he had problems, then he locked himself in the room … Fun, so no one will disturb. 19659030]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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