Einstein is still right! Equivalent principle lasts 6 years, thanks to Samsung's extreme system condition detection | TechNews Technology News


I want to prove that Einstein's mistakes are getting more and more difficult. A very important principle of the theory of general relativity, the principle of equivalence (EP), is still being validated by scientists: as long as evidence to overturn the principle of equivalence is found, that is tantamount to overthrowing Einstein. But not now, astronomers have recently announced that the theory of general relativity has pbaded the test under the most stringent conditions so far.

Recently, there have been a lot of auditing experiments on Einstein 's theory: with the advance of technology, astronomers later were able to detect the thoughts of the. Einstein from a larger astronomical scale.

The principle of equivalence tells us that all objects of the gravitational field have the same acceleration regardless of mbad or composition. Scientists have certainly verified it several times in the solar system. 39, the most famous experience is the story of NASA astronaut David David. David Scott threw a feather and a hammer on the moon at the same time, both hitting the surface of the moon. (But if you do this experience on Earth, the hammer will reach the ground faster than the feathers, because the feathers are more affected by the other force of the atmosphere: resistance to air) [19659003] This time, astronomers This is no longer a small hammer and a beautiful feather, but a pulsar and a white dwarf. According to the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, the Green Tide Telescope (GBT) discovered the Samsung PSR J0337 + 1715 system about 4,200 light-years from Earth in 2011. The limb contains 2 white dwarf stars and 1 ultra-high pulsar density (A neutron star), the pulsar is a companion star, and one of the white dwarfs makes a turn every 1.6 days, and the other two surround another white dwarf star every 327 days.

Since then, the Green Dyke telescope, the Dutch Westerbork telescope (WSRT) and the Puerto Rico observatory Arecibo (a unilateral radio telescope) have been studying the system for six years and are acquiring data for each calculation. How does the object move relative to another object to test if Einstein's theory continues to be realized under extreme celestial conditions, or ultimately fails.

During this period, many voices were waiting for this experiment to overthrow Einstein, because other gravitational theories other than general relativity predicted that the principle of strong equivalence would fail on some scale.

▲ Schematic of the Samsung system, this is the 188753 HD system. (Source: NASA)

Due to the extremely regular pulsar rotation, it is comparable to the most accurate atomic clock. The Green Dyke Telescope is one of the most sensitive radio telescopes in the world. It rotates 366 times per second, the pulsar only has 24 kilometers in diameter, but it compresses up to 1.4 times the mbad of the sun, while the white dwarf that flows with the pulsar is only 0 , Twice the mbad of the sun and the size equivalent to the earth. In summary, the two celestial bodies are completely different, but if Einstein and the principle of equivalence are correct, then the acceleration should be the same under the gravitational pull of another dwarf star white, describing the acceleration between the white dwarf and the pulsar. The differential Delta parameter should also be zero: if Einstein is wrong, astronomers will see a kind of swing between the interlaced white dwarf and the neutron star, and the orbits of the two celestial bodies could be more elliptical.

Finally, observations over 6 years show that the general theory of relativity has again won, and it remains still under the eyes of all and extreme conditions. The badysis shows that in the interval of measurement uncertainty, the difference in acceleration between the two is close to zero, or in the 95% confidence interval, the Delta value is less than 0.0000026 and the error margin is 30 meters.

This discovery immediately excluded several alternative theories, including some explanations in string theory. The study also confirmed that general relativity is still the most reasonable way to understand the universe.This theory written before the first century is one of the most incredible achievements of the I & # 39; humanity.

A new article has been published in the journal Nature.

(Source: US National Radio Astronomy Observatory)

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