Guangdong police knocked out a group of black-bound gangs, seized and seized more than 1.7 billion yuan of assets involved in the case – Xinhuanet


Guangdong police destroyed a group of black gangs

seized and seized more than 1.7 billion yuan of badets involved in the crime

regardless of whether the black band was "black" -protected "," black gambling "or In the case of black drug protection and" protection by blacks ", Guangdong police will not be soft. On July 5, the reporter learned from the Guangdong Province Public Security Department that since the central government rolled out the special campaign to eliminate the evils, Guangdong police have destroyed a group of black-related gangs.

According to reports, the Party Committee of the Public Security Bureau of Guangdong will take the blame for the evil as a vital task of the current public security work, and will study and determine the smuggling of the evil. "The index should be noted, the index should be studied, the financial umbrella The working principle of the" four must "that needs to be dug, clearly clarifies the timetable, the roadmap and the workbook of evil work, concentrates the higher resources, and deploys professional forces to promote special struggle.Everywhere, the public security organs have focused on the 10 key categories of central government and have launched three centralized actions of collecting mosquito nets to destroy a group of bands related to black.

At the same time, Guangdong police cooperated vigorously with the discipline inspection department to dig deep into the problem of corruption behind the black forces and evil, resolutely eliminate the "relational network" and destroy the "protective umbrella".

Liang Ruiguo, Political Commissioner ue from the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Guangdong Provincial Public Security Bureau, said that as a major economic province, Guangdong has a heavier task of eliminating the evil situations. There are more clues for higher authorities. In general, the 10 categories of centralized strikes are in Guangdong.

According to the badysis, due to the imbalance of economic development and unequal geographical advantages, Guangdong's black-related crimes are not the same in different regions. The situation of the evil forces in the Pearl River Delta region is significant: black and evil forces engage black workers in real estate development, mining, mechanical engineering and property management, and gather social staff idle to recover debts. The village hegemony in eastern Guangdong and in western Guangdong, the evil forces of the clan and the "black village officials" who control the rural people's regime are more prominent; In the areas of mineral development, river sand mining and mechanical engineering, forced trade, blind exploitation, calls for violent tenders and forced labor on projects are more common.

According to reports, the Party Committee of the Guangdong Public Security Bureau specially formulated and formulated specific action plans, fully utilizing the "investigation, judgment and command" integration mode, and clbadifying and punishing black and evil crimes. "to play". Guangdong police and the Hong Kong and Macao police simultaneously launched the "Thunder 18" action, due to the proliferation of crimes perpetrated by the evil forces in rural areas and focused on the deployment of key points from the Guangdong-East-North region. Fight the gang forces gathered in the "village in the city", destroy the order of public security, focus on the prevention and control of "black officials" and clan forces that interfere with the elections and control rural political power. In the process of land acquisition, land lease, demolition and construction of the project, the villagers' illegal activities will be provoked.

The reporter learned that at present, Shantou, Zhanjiang, Qingyuan and other places have successfully destroyed a group of black and criminal rural gangs that sway in the countryside and oppress the people.The social security environment in rural areas has been effectively purified.

According to Liang Ruiguo, the infiltration of foreign triads into the country and the cooperation between the black forces and the forces of evil on the territory are manifested mainly by the entrance of the underworld foreigners. Members of the continent's development, or illegal activities on the continent, or members of the organization have fled to the mainland to escape judicial sanctions. Some members of the triads of Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan secretly engage in illegal activities such as investing in factories, setting up companies and visiting relatives, such as the recent Pearl River delta region. particular Zhuhai and Zhongshan. In Jiangmen and elsewhere, there is a frequent collusion between the black and foreign forces, the coercion and the incentive of the continent's businessmen to play abroad, to return to the mainland for recover debts or wait for extortion and organized crime. Necessary, the Guangdong Provincial Department of Public Security has established the "Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao joint fight against organized crime studios" to carry out information reporting, unified common inventory, cross-border pursuit and d & # 39; other work in Hong Kong and Macao police. As part of the special campaign to eliminate the evils and defilements, 10 public security agencies, including the Pearl River Delta and the police of Hong Kong and Macao, jointly launched the "Thunder 18" campaign to denounce the crimes against the national and foreign evil forces. Such places have successfully investigated a number of black and criminal cross-border cases.

The reporter learned that to mobilize the enthusiasm of the mbades to denounce the crimes committed by evil forces, the Guangdong Provincial Steering Group for the destruction of destruction and the Office of Government Legal Affairs Province of Guangdong requested this report. Together with the Guangdong Provincial Department of Public Security, the "Measures to reward and bring back people in the special campaign for the elimination of evil in Guangdong Province" were published and implemented on July 5. At the press conference, three mysterious people wearing giant panda masks received a total of 500,000 yuan of black crimes.

It is reported that with the further investigation of the case, the amount of the reward will increase with the specific results, and only the first prize will be awarded the same day. If the investigation has been investigated and criminal responsibility is investigated for the crime of black crime, it will be rewarded in accordance with the relevant provisions of the incentive system, with a maximum reward of 500 000 RMB. The relevant departments will strictly implement the secret system and keep strictly confidential the identity information of the journalists, the content of the clues and the amount of rewards. According to reports, in the first half of this year, Guangdong police seized, frozen and seized badets involved in crimes involving black crimes worth 1.7 billion yuan. Yu Yuan Renminbi.

The reporter found that in the past, crimes against black crimes rarely mentioned playing "financial" In the special fight against evil, Guangdong police "the financial umbrella must be dug", using a variety means to completely destroy On the economic base of black forces and evil, there are real movements, strong fists and enthusiasm. In this regard, Qian Bo, deputy director of the Guangdong Public Security Bureau, said that illegal and illegal gangs have accumulated wealth through the illegal accumulation of wealth, forming an economic base to keep the gang running. and build relationships with staff. Corruption to form a "protective umbrella". Therefore, public security organs will use the economic base of black and evil forces as an important criterion for measuring the success or failure of business, and will use various means such as collection, confiscation of illegal revenues and stolen goods. In depth, destroy the economic support of the forces of evil.

According to the division of responsibilities of the special struggle for the elimination of evil, the indices concerning the "umbrella protector" are verified by the Discipline Inspection Commission. Tao Wenhui, head of Guangdong's public security department, said protection clues provided by Guangdong's public security organs and protection clues will be quickly transferred to the disciplinary committee of the discipline control committee. The department is deep in the problem of corruption behind the forces of evil and will not tolerate it. (Reporter Deng Xinjian Deng Jun Correspondent Chen Danyu, Drawing, Li Xiaojun)

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