Want to touch the Chuanpu Beijing brand card meeting urgently to the consultation of Wall Street executives | Sino-US trade war | change the economic structure


[New Dynastie Tang heure de Beijing, Juillet 07, 2018] The Sino-US trade war has just begun two days, Beijing has been unable to restrain, eager to ask Wall Street leaders to map US President Trump, but the result is not satisfactory [19659002] According to the US Politico's news website of 7, Beijing authorities have recently stepped up their research on Wall Street tycoons, businesses, and politicians to learn about Trump's trade with China, including including Stephen A., CEO of Blackstone Group. Schwarzman), JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, former US Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson.

The newspaper quoted people familiar with these company executives and former government officials as saying that Beijing was trying to pick up on President Trump's cards, but the results were limited and even frustrating because Trump's actions were always hard to predict.

In addition, a senior Wall Street executive, who knows the situation well, also revealed that China knows that she must finally make some concessions, but she does not know what that is.

However, as early as the third round of trade negotiations between China and the United States, Washington made it clear that it required the CCP to change its economic structure.

On June 3, the third Sino-US trade talks ended in Beijing and the two sides did not issue a joint statement. The United States also conveyed to the Chinese president the clear goal of President Trump, who called on Beijing to "change the economic structure" and establish fair trade relations between the two countries. In fact, on June 2, US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said at the G7 Financial Conference (G7) that the US wanted the Chinese economy to appear in addition to increased purchases of US goods . The structural changes allow American companies to compete fairly, so that they can solve the huge trade surplus between China and the United States.

In this regard, some badysts believe that the most feared thing for the CCP is that its economic structure has undergone a major change because it will endanger the "stability" of the Chinese Communist regime.

The Chinese current is not a true market economy, but a so-called "socialist market economy" controlled by the CCP. Huang Yasheng, a professor at the Sloan Institute of the Mbadachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), pointed out that Sino-US trade disputes are essentially institutional conflicts and that the only way to resolve institutional conflicts is to accelerate market-oriented reforms. The CCP is required to abandon the party leadership to the company, judicial and legal. For the CCP, which considers "party leadership as the most important thing" as the ruling party, "n & rsquo; Is not it equal to his life? " According to Trump, the United States must not only solve the huge trade deficit in the middle of the United States, but also solve the long-term practice of the Chinese government's main economy and create an unfair competitive environment for US businesses .

Therefore, the United States asks the CCP to change its economic structure, by asking the CCP to withdraw or relax its control of economic activities in accordance with the principles of an internationally recognized market economy and to change the economic structure of the economy. CCP to control the economy. By blocking a series of unequal trade barriers, it prevents foreign companies from entering the continental market.

(Reporter Xiao Jing full report / responsible editor: Ming Xuan)

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