The argument was refuted by the audience of the city forum Li Yujing criticized the unfair speech in the presidential election (15:50) – 20180708 – Hong Kong News – Instant News


British QT women applied for an addiction visa, and the same partner won the case in Hong Kong. The urban forum discussed the impact of the QT case: two guests, including Li Yijing, spokesman for the alliance for same-bad marriage, and Guan Qiwen, president of the Hong Kong Society for Sexual Culture, have all questioned Su Jingheng's prejudices.

Guan Qiwen, a director of the Mingguang Society, said in his speech that there were foreign bibadual lovers with a clock and a man and a woman, they would form a family of three according to the judgment of the Court of Final Appeal. Chen Zhiquan, a member of the Legislative Council of People's Power, spoke and spoke about what he termed "landslide theory". Guan Qiwen then criticized the other party for being often tagged, impeding the speech and misleading the public.

Su Jingheng replied, "I encourage speakers to communicate directly. Chen Zhiquan is the first to answer you." Guan Qiwen said later: "I hope you will chair the fair." Su Jingheng said, "I feel that I am right." Li Zhizheng, a member of the Liberal Party, criticized the Hong Kong ruling on the matrimonial system and traditional family values, and the fact that the legalization of marriage between spouses Same-bad gaping would be tantamount to granting legal rights to same-bad couples.

During the audience speech, more viewers supported same-bad marriage and criticized Li's arguments for being unreasonable: for example, some questioned the traditional value and some said that peers had to pay taxes and not exploit other bibadual rights.

In response to the audience's speech, Li Yijing pointed out that public opinion tends to support same-bad marriage because the mainstream media are also turning to comrades, and it has continued to criticize the choice of Su Jingheng from the audience to speak unfairly: "Many friends behind me are against gay marriage, but the host chose only a few, but he chose many friends who support the Same-bad marriage. ":" I hope you have objective facts. If you have doubts about my approach, you can watch the video clips to see if you have said anything. "Li Yijing continued to express his dissatisfaction and asked him if he had that feeling. I hope you can be fair. The injustice of the city forum is not something that is today. "

The reporter checked the video clips of the show and sent back the two students.There were 14 spectators on the stage.If the guest is behind the calculating unit, he There will be injustice, because the number of seats behind each guest is different, for example, Chen Zhi does not have an audience after the whole body.Observed, 4 of the 14 speakers were from the back of Li Yujing, 5 from Guan Qiwen, 4 from Li Yihao, member of the Hong Kong Gay Association public policy group, and the last from Su Jingheng.

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