Entertainment notes: The green leaves "Ant Man 2" make you forget the popcorn | Ants and hornets | Paul Luther | Ivan Jellin Lily


[Epoch Times 2018 Juillet 08] The Smallest Marvel "Hero" "Ant Man 2" "Ants and Hornets "was released for a while, today to talk about the experience after watching the movie!

Let's start with the character: the beautiful ant is played by the actor Paul Luther, I remember that when the director was looking for this character, the actor Scottrade had to be "even the criminal". With his eyes, he can convince anyone that he is innocent. "This role allows Paul Luther, who has an innocent and super-popular look, to be elected!

Marvel Films" Ants and Hornets "protagonists male and female held a press conference in Taipei on June 12, 2018. The photo shows the male and female protagonist Paul Luther (right) and Ivan Jellin Lily (left). (Huang Zongmao / Epoch Times)

Sexy and beautiful female wasp Ivan Jellin Lily is a beauty that combines courage, wisdom and bad! Of course, it's also a ticketing guarantee.Then, there's Oscar-winning actress Mike Douglas, the winner of the gold medal is still beautiful and seductive regardless of her age.

Also, the greatest coffee actor B, Mike Panna, my sister, when I saw Mike Panna for The first time in "The Ant Man", but I opened my mouth and I forgot to eat popcorn.The director was very creative in the organization of all his bridges, and he was responsible for the important role of funny in the entire film. To tell the truth, if you lost the role of Louis, feel private, should you have less than half of the box office?

Displays ants and wasps. (Disney Proposes)

Let's talk about the story again, it's not hard to find that every time you read "The Ant Man", it's like a science clbad. Artificial intelligence, genes or any other technology can not be compared to quantum mechanics: in the future, what can master the global science, that is quantum mechanics. Of course I do not know. That does not matter, it makes sense to have a good movie.

This new character "Ghost Woman" Ava, she is a character who lives a very illusory after the destruction of the body cells, she has to extract the thought and vitality of the mother of the heroine to save herself, she said The mother of the heroine said that she really hurts, it's because of a life, every level of her body does not know where she is? She is going to stand up, she does not know in which space she exists? The whole person is groggy, the whole body is like the pain of being torn, she must have a strong conscience to be able to clearly see and confirm what is happening in front of her.

Movie Photos "Ants and Hornets". (Disney offers)

The story tells that the SHIELD has created a binding costume that can restrict its ability, but the effect is very limited, its life weakens, because the space can not be badigned to other spaces

When I talked about it, it reminded me of one thing: four years ago, I had a friend who was working in the top 500 companies in the world, he was also a scientist and he asked me: "If we can not What kind of situation does she control her body and can not integrate her body? I responded very quickly, because his cells could not "come back," so his body on each floor did not know where he was. A time and a space will not be able to integrate his body. My friend continued to ask, "How do you integrate your body?" I told him that through "thoughtful thoughts," the cells can be returned to the body and the body can be integrated.

Finally, at the end of the film, the mother and daughter wasp scientist played by Michelle Pfeiffer used her mind to read the phantom woman's pain and help her treat the body with her mind.

My science friend is very curious, why are scientific knowledge almost "nil", can I tell a phenomenon so complicated in science in such a simple way? Hey! That's the secret … I'll know more when I read the article later!

Calanques of ants and wasps. (Disney offers)

At the end of the film, the ant is trapped in time and space, and the wasp woman and her father, Dr. Hank Pehm, and her mother, all because of Sano in The Avengers III The disappearance plan of Sri Lanka has disappeared, we can also see that "Marvel" has been paved for 10 years for the "Avengers League III" Why did the group "Marvel" paved the l? history for 10 years? What kind of role is the North? It represents the life of a group of old ideas in the universe, believing that the life of the universe is constantly increasing and, to purify the universe, they decided to go to the world. eliminate some lives by eliminating them to balance the universe.

Stills of ants and wasps. (Disney offers)

But do not worry too much, because I believe that the end will be very nice.Why, think about it, how much money the cute Dudu (Spider) has won for Marvel, strange. In the first episode of the doctor, the box office will open a red plate, not to mention the appearance of the second generation Panther Prince of Vaganda, I do not know how many hearts of women are removed, these characters are deeply loved by the public. It is not easy to sacrifice these roles if you want to make money.

Finally, despite the fictional plot, there are many bugs in the foundation of science

If your science is not well learned, see "The Ant Man" you can use Science,

Please see "Ant Man",

If you think that he is very melancholy by Sanos, please see "The Ant Man",

If you are a "Marvel" fan, you should watch the "ant". Otherwise, "Avengers League IV" can not understand, do not blame, do not tell you!

The images from the movie "Ants and Hornets". (provided by Disney)

Editor-in-Chief: Tian Guiyu

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