Kill 9 students in the alma mater, Han Yi, lawsuit in Shaanxi (16:59) – 20180710 – Cross-Strait – Instant News


A middle school district of Mizhi, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province, nine students were killed after school in April this year. The murderer Zhao Zewei was sentenced to death in the first instance this morning, depriving him of his political rights for life, and Zhao Dingting declared his appeal.

The case was opened this morning before the Yulin Intermediate People's Court. The court pointed out that the accused Zhao Zewei was working and lived in resentment and that he was ridiculed by his clbadmates while he was at Mizhi County Middle School No. 3 Middle School (Mizhi). No. 3 Middle School), and that he was reluctant to take revenge on high school students. From March to April of this year, he bought 5 knives online to prepare for the crime, but he was attacked by students because he could not find the old clbadmates.

Zhao Zewei left school at 17 o'clock on April 27 this year, taking his colleagues to school and three students to leave the school. A large number of students came out of school at 6 pm, pbading through the east side of the north door hole. Zhao immediately removed the dagger and rushed into the crowd to sneak into the crowd, causing 9 deaths, 4 serious injuries and 7 minor injuries. Mizhi Sanzhong teachers, security guards and students arrived at the same time and worked together to submit Zhao Jiao's police.

The Court emphasized that Zhao Zewei's motives for committing crimes are despicable and decisive, that "the means of killing are particularly lethal", the consequences of the crime are extremely serious and "society is extremely harmful". Three judges and four jurors ruled the case for more than three hours, after deliberation and discussion by the Judiciary Committee, they sentenced Zhao Zewei to death for deliberate homicide and deprived him of his political rights for life .

[9 法院 网]

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] [19459005 D'autres rapports: Les propriétaires de voiture de deux ans devant le département de police de Shaanxi ont constaté qu'ils ont été conduits par la police de la circulation pour changer leurs plaques d'immatriculation (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) retour; = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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