News / S.H.E in perfect sound? Ella Explodes about Huahua Research outside the continent as director | ETtoday Starlight Cloud | ETtoday News Cloud


Reporter Lu Weiling / Taipei Report

Asian Women Day Group SHE Chengjun entered the 17th anniversary, and now Ella will leave Huayan company, and will focus on the development of the mainland, in addition to original variety show In addition to hosting the invitation, the company is even more eager to be a filmmaker. In the future, the main brokerage business will be entrusted to her husband Lai Sixiang, who will leave China and become a boss.The opportunities for development are more numerous, but the other two members will follow Curious.

 ▲ ▼ Ella ate the goose made by Hebe's nephew, which is a bit of a fate. (Photo / reporter Lin Biao)

▲ ELLA is out to leave China. (Photo / Reporter Lin Biao)

SHE debuted for 17 years. In 2010, he joined the "Single Flight and Dissolution" method, and each of them launched a new career: Selina and Ella have directed the development of theater and cinema. Personal profile, launch tour, launched four solo albums, three people have developed after their solo, approvals, performance, invitations, optimistic side and keen, become the darling of the manufacturers and media, in fact three Huayan.

Ella's current brokerage business is run by her husband, Lai Sixiang, who attends press conferences and regular events, and follows other Huayan colleagues to take care of the details work. More recently, rumors about Ella's willingness to leave China have been heard.More time, he had discussions with the leaders of the China Research Institute. "ETtoday Starlight Cloud" recently got exclusive news and the movement of Ella finally decided to leave China. Independent research and development, then will focus on work in the earth, but also want to be a director to film, but there will be deputy director.

 ▲ Ella cried and confessed two things. (Figure / Return of Tencent)

▲ Ella recently worked as a mentor in "Creation 101". (Photo / Inversion of Tencent)

According to informed sources, after Ella created "101", many of them were invited to the scene, and Liu Ruoying personally directed the film "Later Us" on behalf of Mayday Song. Praise, Ella can also use the clbadic song SHE as the theme of the film, personally as the director to shoot, but is still at the concept stage.

Ella has received a number of continental variety shows since 2016. In the "I Go to School" is a fixed team, "Meng Mask will guess" in Season 2 as a group of fixed riddles, and in 2018 In the program "Creation 101", she sang as a tutor, in the film she returned to the big screen for two years and played a reporter in the film inspired "Super Marley". Items, from chicken essence to milk powder, facial cleanser, toothpaste, beer, etc., income broke 100 million.

SHE has been in the 17th year since he's debuted in 2001. He has sung many famous songs such as "Unrequited Lovers", "Flowers are Open", "Persian Cats" and so on. more songs, the three sisters Love is a good show in the entertainment industry.The joy or sorrow experienced from the beginning, including Selina fire kiss, wedding hit the rocks, Ella married , improved to the mother, etc., she still support each other, even though it may be more difficult People's feelings are not scattered, I believe it's not difficult for fans to see the l & # 39; SHE interaction of live broadcasting and media.

In response to this China Research International, "Ella has been working with us for over 17 years, and of course will continue to cooperate."

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