S.H.E "Crisis every 7 years" 3 degrees to the brink of dissolution Ella fell to the 3rd floor 15 years ago to hit the lumbar spine | ETtoday 星光 云 | ETtoday News Cloud


Reporter Li Yuyi / Full Report

Since the beginning of S.H.E in 2001, with the songs of many popular peoples to dominate the Chinese language, the status of the 'legendary group' is still difficult to break. The feelings are like Selina, Hebe and Ella, they have different personalities, but complement each other. Fans should never worry that this group will be dispelled like the other groups. However, it is said that Ella will leave Huayan and explode. Fans worry that the national women's team will be a complete sound.

 ▲ ▼ S.H.E. (Figure / flip-flop of S.H.E Facebook)

▲ 17 years of debut, S.H.E is still the king of the women's group. (Photo / return of SHE Facebook)

She announced in 2010 that the single flight does not dissolve, three people are in their area of ​​expertise, but does not affect the l 39; friendship, still often accompany the body of the other Then, the important days and major events are never absent, it is a group that the industry really achieves "a unique flight and no dissolution".

Only three people did not go to the end, three disintegration crises occurred: Ella's accident during the video recording, which caused a severe attack lumbar spine, secondly, Selina was severely kissed and the third recently. Ella was expelled from Huayan alone.

SHE just debuted for 2 years in 2003. Ella was out for the "Happy Sunday" variety show when demonstration firemen jumped from the 3rd floor to the exhaust technology she was too nervous and stiff. I have forgotten the correct landing posture taught by the coach, the posture was incorrect, the feet were touching the ground first and the reaction force was causing the first fracture of the lumbar vertebrae, l 39; Urgency was sent to the three generals and sent back to the Taiwan University Hospital.

▲ S.H.E released the album "Together" in 2003, the same year Ella video crash. (Photo / From Selina Facebook)

At the time, Zhong Hongchun, chief medical officer of Three Emergencies, said that Ella's condition was "the first lumbar fracture. Neurosurgery suggested surgery as soon as possible. The first lumbar vertebral crisis caused the small section of the lumbar vertebrae to shrink about 0.2 cm, which, despite dislocation, did not affect the surrounding nerves and muscles. It is not necessary to open the knife, but it must be hospitalized for half a month. Although the surgery was avoided, the sudden accidents caused a cold sweat in the fans, fearing that the group in ascension was gone. In October of the same year, she directed a television series "I have a date with spring" in Shanghai, but with the actor Yu Yuming, 54% of serious burns are caused by a scene of blasting. Nearly 80% of them were third degree burns, mostly distributed in the back and limbs, which shocked the audience at the time. After the first phase of the crisis, the most difficult rehabilitation was about to begin: in the 89 days following the accident, she was finally introduced to the media along with Hebe and Ella. Not all the body tight, long hair shaved only three points a little boy, and in order to raise the weight of 5 kg.

▲ Selina has already exposed the right arm in the reality program, and the scar on her head was red and swollen because of the sea water (up to left). (Photo / Inversion of Tencent Entertainment, Selina Facebook)

Selina, who was walking slowly on the stage step by step, seemed to be uncomfortable, but tried to show a strong look, remembering still again People were in distress, Ella was supporting her in the front, and Hebe was following her closely. This photo reminded Internet users that fans had counted and compiled. Absolutely, but judged by the situation at the time, "the middle of the important station".

Selina was only too hurt in 2010. The long recovery road has upset many original projects and many people have wondered if this serious injury would affect her star path, making SHE disbadociated, to that time, Dad said that Selina is very strong, and this difficulty will surely pbad.

▲ Lai Xie describes the feelings of S.H. C is that even the tornado can not be blown. (Figure / flip of S.H.E Facebook)

After more than seven years, the third crisis has erupted in the group in recent days.After Ella left Huayan after the contract expired, "ETtoday Starlight Cloud" exclusively controlled his agent, ie Mr. Lai. In case of outbreak, the registered company "Jinhua Entertainment Co., Ltd." was approved for the date of establishment on October 3, and the contract between SHE and Huayan was due in October, a rumor that she left in October. In the future, we will cooperate with the former club in the form of "cooperation", but this is not yet finalized.

After the news was revealed, of course, this caused anxiety among the fans. I was very afraid that this group of 17-year-old women would draw a sentence, but Lai was says: "These are not typhoons, even the most powerful tornado.The feelings are so good." Maybe that's a big hit for the fans.

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