Tourist guide "Zero Mission": give some light to Henan people, do not go shopping, ride | Hong Kong and Macao Tour | Forced Shopping NTDTV


New York time:

2018-07-13 03:30 AM

A group of Henan elders recently spent 380 yuan to participate in the Hong Kong and Macau tour, which lasted seven days and was guided by the tour guide: "Do not buy and do not ride. "

[New Tang Dynasty Beijing Time: 13 juillet 2018] A group of Henan alumni recently spent 380 yuan (about 57 dollars) to participate in the seven-day, seven-day Hong Kong and Macao tour. Complaints, buy a 400 yuan bracelet (about 60 US dollars) in a jewelry store, the real value is only a few dollars.

According to a full press report, according to the members of the complaint, the group's elders signed up for a seven-day visit to Hong Kong and Macao through a local "hiking badociation" of about 300 people . The organizers of the group claimed that they only had to pay 380 yuan (about 57 dollars) for each group, no need to pay any other fees, and "no forced shopping" during the trip.

But after arriving in Hong Kong, a tour guide started taking his friends to a jewelery store and asked them to shop: "The people of Henan have to spend money to enlighten the people of Henan. The whites live in white. "

The ancients thought the tourist guide's request was unreasonable, they were trapped in the mall for a few hours and the guide's attitude was very bad, and they abused it from time to time. tour guide responded, "When you eat white here, you have to treat yourself like a grandfather" and ask members who do not want to shop to "roll."

In the end, each member of the group was forced To spend thousands to tens of thousands of dollars during the trip.After their return to Henan, the elderly found that the price of the items they were buying was much higher than the actual value. one of the tourists, nicknamed Liu, bought a "golden Bauhinia exhibition" for 100 yuan (about 15 dollars). The display is worth only 5 yuan ($ 0.75).

The deceived members claimed that they only registered by what they felt was cheap, and at that time they said that they were not forced to shop.If you leave shopping, explain in advance: "We do not do not want, we can not go. Video:

(Reporter Li Hong Report / Editor: Cheng Yiren)

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