Guangzhou Conghua Horse Training Center officially incorporated into the horse system practiced in Hong Kong | ETtoday Continental | ETtoday News Cloud


  ▲ Guangzhou Conghua Horse Training Center officially incorporated into the horse system practiced in Hong Kong. (Photo / Xinhua News Agency)

▲ A horse raced in special stables at the Guangzhou Equestrian Games. (Photo / Xinhua News Agency)

Continental Center / Comprehensive Report

The Hong Kong Jockey Club pointed out that the first 21 active races in Hong Kong have arrived at the Guangzhou Conghua Training Center on the 12th. This marks the official integration of the center into the training system in Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong Jockey Club will also organize the transport of another 20 races from Sha Tin to Conghua on July 16th. By mid-August, the number of active celluloids will be about 140.

It is understood that the center provides complete training facilities for horses and nursing services, and has established the first an internationally recognized, unspecified equine disease zone (zone free from horse disease). The Hong Kong SAR Government and a number of mainland inspection and quarantine authorities signed a cooperation document in December 2017 to confirm cooperation between the two parties in this free zone. of diseases.

Hong Kong Jockey Club General Manager Ying Jiabo said that the Conghua Horse Training Center has world-clbad facilities and that horses arriving on the 12th will be the first to enjoy these facilities. They will live in state-of-the-art barns and will have access to excellent training facilities, including mountaineering trails that are not available in Hong Kong.

Trainer Su Weixian said the Conghua horse training center would make his training facilities more ideal. For example, older horses have the opportunity to turn to the environment and bring them more freshness, while younger horses will be able to adapt more quickly to Hong Kong's competitive environment. after living in a more quiet and comfortable space.

According to reports, the Conghua Horse Training Center will officially open on August 28th. In mid-June, 35 retired runners from the horse racing training development team arrived here, and the process went smoothly. (Source: Xinhua News Agency)

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