28 Uber drivers illegally carrying passengers for full compensation | Hong Kong UNWIRE.HK Play life. Music Technology


July 17, 2018 • Life Technology •

Police opened Snake Operation last year, arrested Uber drivers and drove driving to use for rental or compensation . Among them, 28 drivers denied the allegations and the case was decided today in the judiciary of Kowloon City. All defendants were sentenced and each was fined between $ 3,800 and $ 4,500.

▲ Information Picture (Source: RTHK)

Hong Kong police launched a crackdown against Uber drivers this year, arrested a number of Uber drivers and sued the defendants for renting or paid a car. The use of the guests, but the defendants are not charged with any third party insurance.

28 arrested drivers denied the allegations and their case was decided today at the Kowloon Municipal Court. The magistrate ruled that all the defendants were found guilty of driving a private car to Hong Kong for hire or compensation. In the decision, Judge Du Haocheng pointed out that not all defendants had any evidence to start the trip for any other reasons than compensation. Everyone knows that the journey must be loaded, which is the true intention of the trip. Magistrate Du Haocheng said that any vehicle used for rental or remuneration must be approved by the Department of Transportation, and the defendants in the case have never made a request to the Department of Transportation.

28 accused were between the ages of 22 and 60 years old. Some have been reported as professional drivers, insurance brokers, teachers, students, business owners and retirees.

A driver who was arrested by Shen, admitted that on June 22, without a rental permit, a man named Liao was taken from Yuen Long to Nan Fung Center in Tsuen Wan. The reward is 155.3. The credit card of the man named Liao was then charged. After the incident, he admitted that he had no rental permit and that the defendant was eventually fined $ 3,000.

Source: Full Report

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Tags: uber, Daily News Featured

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