Beidaihe meeting content output Xi Jinping "authority" in a point of view | rumors | collective leadership


[Heure de la dynastie des Tang à Beijing, le 18 juillet 2018] The high-level meeting of the CCP in Beidaihe will begin in early August. At the present time, the relevant content of the conference circulates on the Internet: that Xi Jinping's political propaganda or leadership style affect the authority of Xi, has become the focus of the outside world.

Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province, where the Beidaihe Conference is located, has already strengthened routine safety inspections in advance. If there was no accident, the high officials of the CCP entered the annual summer vacation of Beidaihe on July 16th. While Xi Jinping will visit the UAE, South Africa and other countries from 19-28, the meeting will be held officially in early August.

At this time, the CCP veteran and guest experts have already entered Beidaihe for a vacation.

Due to the recent outbreak of the trade war between the United States and China, the CCP's internal powers were diverted from the darkness and the CCP's Xi Jinping boastfulness cooled quickly. If the challenge of the authority of Xi Jinping at the Beidaihe gathering this year has attracted a lot of attention.

Topics discussed at the Beidaihe Conference, the CCP veteran and top party leaders, should include issues of external interest such as the US-China trade war, financial risks, and political propaganda.

The Sino-US trade war is the CCP's biggest challenge at the moment, and one of the central topics of the Beidaihe Conference: because of the ongoing financial risks in China since 2018, the new financial committee will deal with the management and control of financial risks. The management did not dare to take it lightly.

In addition, this year coincides with the 40th anniversary of the reform and opening of China, how will the CCP led by Xi Jinping commemorate? What specifications to take? The conversation about the content to be published is also considered as the indicator of the CCP wind direction.

There are also rumors that Communist Party propaganda will also be discussed at the Beidaihe meeting. It is not excluded that it is possible to adjust the "style of leadership ", to dilute the image of individuals and to emphasize collective leadership.

However, for Zhongnanhai's return to "collective leadership", the outside badysis will mean that the leader will lose the highest power again, which means that Xi Jinping will mean losing political security and that the groups of interest will probably come back. Due to the recent US-China trade war, the CCP's internal powers intensified under the impact of the Sino-US trade war, and the CCP's propaganda abroad became a way for all left to relax the wind. The news is flying in the sky. Therefore, this year's Beidaihe gathering is also seen as an important opportunity for the CCP's power competition.

Wei Jingsheng, a democracy activist overseas, badyzed in the Voice of America program that Xi Jinping's current priority should be "pbading through" under pressure from internal and external pressures, political and economic pressures, How to survive Puzzle

He said that this year's Beidaihe meeting is as important as last year. The Beidaihe meeting last year was mainly aimed at Wang Qishan. The internal contradictions are fierce: Wang Qishan has caught too many people and offended too many people, he wants to get rid of Wang Qishan, at least weaken his position.

Beidaihe meeting this year, the problem will be focused on Xi Jinping, because the trade war may cause the collapse of the Chinese economy, and corrupt officials do not have any good days, which can lead the whole party to oppose the whole army.

Wei Jingsheng badyzed that although the recession of Xi Jinping's influence is still not obvious, it has been underlying and the network is full of rumors. This kind of rumor shows the strong dissatisfaction of everyone, but also pinned a variety of different hopes.

Some badysts also said that after the arrival of Xishang in power, he thoroughly cleansed Jiang's faction by fighting corruption, became the deadly rival of Jiang's system and is became "the public enemy" corrupt officials. Nowadays, the trade war in Beijing has been defeated.All people and people in the Jiangpai call are trying to calculate the old accounts together.It is not excluded to join forces at the meeting from Beidaihe.

(Reporter Li Yun Report / Publisher: Li Quan)

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