The Chinese boycotted the sound of American products … The official media shouted: it's a trap, do not be fooled! Sino-US Trade War New TV channel of the Tang Dynasty


[NewDynastieTangBeijing19juillet2018] The Sino-US trade war has become increasingly fierce. The British media investigation revealed that some Chinese are willing to stop buying US goods to combat the trade war. However, the outside world has found that on the continental network, it is almost impossible to find the voice of "resisting American products". Previously, some official media even shouted "boycott of US products" is a trap, do not be fooled!

After the United States imposed a 25% tariff on Chinese goods worth 34 billion US dollars on July 6, the Chinese immediately resorted to retaliatory measures to obtain reciprocal taxation. On the 10th, the United States announced a new list of 200 billion property taxed against China, the Chinese side claiming that it would counterattack, but so far no specific countermeasure has been made. has been announced. Some badysts believe that CCP tracking is low and has a low tendency.

For the trade war, the Financial Times research department, FT Confidential Research, conducted a survey from June 27 to July 10 and found that among the Chinese resist the sound of US products.

The survey results show that 54% of the 2,000 respondents in 300 cities in China said that they would stop "probably" or "will definitely" stop buying US and US products. only 13% said they would not boycott the United States. Goods

On the contrary, it is almost impossible to find the voice of "boycott of US products" on the Chinese Internet: Chinese netizens generally believe that "resistance" is not rational behavior.

On the Q & A site "Knowing", some Chinese netizens believe that "the anti-American is not worth, nothing more than: 砸 cell phones, computers, 砸 American cars, boycott of American blockbusters, ryks etc. " Some people also replied: "Boycotting idiots is better than boycotting American products."

It is worth mentioning that at every "critical moment", the CCP's official media will use the mbadive release of anti-Japanese, Korean and foreign products to stir up public opinion. However, before and after the Sino-US trade war, the CCP media seemed to want to remove the paradox of the "boycott of American products."

The CCP's media, the Global Times, published an article at the end of April: some of the American media want to urge the Chinese to boycott American products, do not be fooled! 19659003] The article also said that the US media regarded China as the "ultimate weapon" of the so-called trade war, which is a "trap" that leads directly to China's severe internal friction. The article was then reprinted by a number of continental media.

This article has also widely debated public opinion: some Chinese netizens have made fun of: Be rebadured, we do not resist. I do not know if there is no ZTE case Now I know that if I resist, the laptop will shut down.

There are also netizens who sneer: In the end, boycott or non-resistance, give a message, so that I am patriotic.

Previously, "ZTE" was sanctioned by the United States for seven years, so it lost its supply channel.The company faced a bankruptcy crisis and revealed to the public that the high Chinese technology strongly depends on foreign countries. After paying a huge $ 1 billion fine in exchange for sanctions, ZTE resumed operations.

Heilongjiang activist Yu Yunfeng told Free Asia that "Hour Time" published this article to show that ZTE was being punished and that the authorities were worried: "We have no top products If sanctions are imposed, China will have to return to the era of the social economy immediately. "

Yu Yunfeng said that the CCP feared that the Chinese will resist to US goods and produce a butterfly effect that will result in greater losses for the CCP's economy. . Zhu Xinxin, a senior media official in Hebei Province, said the CCP's long-standing, extreme nationalism had perverse effects: the CCP fears that some people will hate the United States and boycott American goods. Open to the outside world in China.

Zhu Xinxin said, "It is equal to ride on a tiger, when he makes decisions on the outside, if he wants to compromise, he does not want to do anything. will not accept people, and it will put a lot of pressure on them.According to the Financial Times, the authorities in Beijing worry that the boycott of US products will lead to a rebound, so the authorities will not invite probably not the Chinese to boycott "American products."

Some commentators have pointed out that the current leadership of the CCP is more concerned about the volatility of financial markets.After mid-June, the Shanghai stock market and the rate of RMB exchange fell as a result of the trade war and the economic downturn.If the Sino-US opposition is strengthened in a firm stance, the financial market is likely to go further.

(Reporter Luo Tingting Report / Writer: Dai Ming)

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