The Blood Times The Department of Water Supplies re-examined the water in the Kwai Tsui area by referring to the standard of 5 samples in 3 units.


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Huang Yangda – Photographed at the Second Session of the Advisory Committee on NOC Discrimination Regulations Department of the Blood Publishing


For the report, four units of water samples in the Kwai Tsui area contained excessive concentrations of lead, and the Ministry of Water Supply obtained a total of five samples of water. water in three of them with the consent of the concerned households. It is shown that the lead content of all water samples is in accordance with the standard, that is to say that the lead content does not exceed 10 micrograms per liter.

The Department of Water Supply announced today (July 21) that the Department conducted yesterday a six-hour test on samples of calm water in the three apartments of the property Tsui Tsui . The lead content was 1 microgram per liter and 4 micrograms per liter, while the lead sample of a non-integrated unit in the ecological building of the Kwai Tsui domain was 4 micrograms per liter. The lead content of the 6 hour calm water samples collected by the Ministry on July 18 on both Bactui flats also met the standard. The overall test results show that the lead content of the above three water units is in line with the standard.

As for the other unit accused of having too much lead in drinking water, the Ministry did not obtain the consent of the affected households to perform quality badyzes of the drinking water. l & # 39; water.

When sampling water samples, the Department of Water Supply noted that households in their apartments had changed their water pipes and replaced their faucets. The spokesman reminded water users that the new group of pipes with a higher metal release rate at the beginning of use, water pipes and newly replaced fittings should be rinsed thoroughly to ensure safe water supply.

(Photo of the Government Information Office)

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