Haruki Murakami's "Assassination of Knights" and adult magazines are listed as "indecent articles" How does the Hong Kong Judgment Office review? – The network of examination of the keys of the news


Famous Japanese author Murakami Haruki published the latest novel "The Assbadination of the Knights" in 2017, and also released the Chinese version late in the year, but he was recently targeted by the Hong Kong authorities. The control body is listed as an "indecent article" .It is not only forbidden for people under 18 years to buy.It must also be covered with a plastic wrap when it is sold in a bookstore, with warnings and discussions.

"Sing Tao Daily" reports that the Hong Kong Obscene Office (the Obscene Articles Tribunal) recently published a notice referring to the new book by Japanese author Haruki Murakami "The Assbadination of the Knights", temporarily category indecent. ), in accordance with the regulations, it must not be released to persons under 18 years, and the envelope must be sealed with a legal warning. "Disclaimer: The content of this article may be offensive, distributed, sold, rented or given to anyone under the age of 18 to present, broadcast or show the subject to these people."

Because It is clbadified as a clbad 2 item, the public library is only available to borrow and borrow people aged 18 or over. Or make an appointment, people under 18 can not make an appointment for this book. This note also directly affects the Hong Kong Book Fair, which started on the 18th. Since the book fair can sell only one level of books, the Hong Kong Office of Music and Cards and the Yulin Bookstore will immediately remove the books and collect them all after they have been noted. The publisher of the Assbadination of Knights, the Times Press, first clbadified this book among the main recommendations, but was forced to leave the shelves. accept the visit, but he was deeply helpless.

The Tribunal's clbadifications are divided into three categories, namely category 1 "neither obscene nor indecent", category 2 "indecency" and category 3 "obscenity".

The prosecutor's office may issue a restraining order for the object when it is clbadified in category 2. Any publisher or printer who violates the regulations, whether the article is indecent or not, is an offense The maximum penalty for a first offense is a fine of $ 400,000 and a term of imprisonment of one year The second or subsequent is liable to a fine of up to $ 800,000. Hong Kong dollar and imprisonment for 12 months.

After the preliminary badessment of prostitution, the publisher may request a review within 5 days and if the publisher does not request a review, the result of the preliminary badessment may result in charges and fines, which are criminally responsible. The decision

"The Assbadination of the Knights" is divided into two volumes, namely, "Appearance Ideas" and "Translation of Metaphors". In fact, the novels of Murakami Haruki do not lack descriptions of badual scenes, among which, in the first part of The Assbadination Knight, the story tells the story of the protagonist and the husband.

2 hours of revision of 5 works, Hong Kong examiners 8 times speed film

This announcement came out, causing the circle of the Chinese language to be awkward. As the announcement also includes the adult magazine "Dragon and Tiger Leopard" of Hong Kong No. 913, "Woman Ms. Photo", the Hong Kong media "Virtual Word", "Where are you going to badociate Murakami Haruki and "Dragon Tiger Leopard"? Together? "Satire the results of the evaluation.

Hong Kong writer Lang Tian also said bluntly that "The Assbadination of the Knights" is certainly not the most "wet wet" written by Haruki Murakami. In contrast, the description of bad in another Murakami book, The Forest of Norway, is the subject of the novel. Lang Tian believes that the decision of the Judgment Division involves this time many human factors: "It's a rule of the man." It's only accidental, but it's still absurd.

Lang Tian points out that the prostitution department has a list of images or texts that review movie or reading restrictions, and the person responsible counts the number of occurrences of those images or texts. Based on the description of the "Scrapping of the Knights" contains a large number of playful organs, the prostitution department will be judged in such a way, and will naturally be clbadified as indecent. However, Lang Tian pointed out that some of the relevant content can be understood as the need of the art, or it is not at all the main plot.

Ming Pao's report today (21) reveals the process of indescribable revision of Hong Kong's prostitution. Some arbitrators said that some members had examined three magazines and two sets of films in over two hours, could not read the entire book or film, and that the process was dominated by magistrates who focused on dew points. Once, I skipped the movie at a speed of 8x and I played it at normal speed until I saw it. In the judging process, I understand the description of the bad in the film. By law, considering the context of the entire article for consideration, it will ignore the literary value.

The current arbitrator also pointed out that the review process is pre-sent by the publishing house, and that the process is mainly led by judges, including parties to review The judge has already indicated the places to pay special attention. This is an "obscenity": if a nipple is exposed, it is "indecent" .The magistrate thinks that only words are judged by the imagination of the referee, that's why it is often referred to as "indecent" and the system is very large room for improvement.

Yapya? The double standard has never been clear

"Fable Words" reported that under the Ordinance on Obscene and Indecent Articles, "obscenity" and "indecent" include three words that can be interpreted indefinitely, such as violence, corruption and nuisance. But did not draw clear standards and boundaries. The referee who had a probation office said in an interview: "Judges will provide guidelines to members, for example, in badgraphic publications, members believe that badual organs and badual behaviors can be clearly categorized in category 3 (obscenity).

Hong Kong poet Song Zijiang also pointed out in the interview with "Virtual Words": "Is there any discrimination for all the works of the badgraphic bureau? Murakami Haruki's other novels also have badgraphic descriptions. Are there any "indecent"? Foreign authors such as Nabokov, etc., their works in various languages ​​should be clbadified as "indecent"? "

Hong Kong writer Kunnan also criticized, perhaps now due to individual examiners" A moment of heart and hurt "has led to the banning of literary works of Haruki Murakami, which is extremely ridiculous.

The bronze statue of the naked man was also banned in Hong Kong

and this is not the first time that the Hong Kong prostitution bureau has made an international conflict. 1995, the New Man, British sculptor Lady Elisabeth Frink, was placed at the main entrance of a recently completed building in central Hong Kong, but the TELA received a complaint As the statue of bronze is a little larger than the real person, it is 200 meters high, which is not practical for the prostitution office, and the film and television bureau has set up the bronze statue. ), asking the owner to cover the import parts The owner asked the probation office to review, but the results maintained the original rating.

The owner eventually appealed to the High Court and finally ruled that it was because the bronze statue was not an "article" within the meaning of "Regulations." As "articles" can theoretically be published more than twice, the bronze statue can Display, can not be published, and finally determine that the prosecutor's office does not have the right to review and withdraw the relevant note.

However, this time Haruki Murakami is described as indecent, on the other hand it may be anti-propaganda, but it is curious to see what kind of Content is prohibited, which may be beneficial to the author.

News Source:

Nuclear Project Editor: Yang Zhengxi

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