Shadow / Ma Ying nine big leeks cult market tickets people enthusiastic photo signature |


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2018-07 -21 19:34 Reporter Liu Xingjun reported immediately
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Lin Yuan, Datun District Kuomintang Qiu Yuxuan Senate Member went to the Wandan Twandight Market in the Datun District and to the Houzhuang Market where Ma Yingji was located. is made to take pictures, sign and shake hands. There are also enthusiastic vendors who send stuff, and there are also food stalls to send bamboo shoots, radishes and garlic … President Xu is step by step and the candidate is Qiu Yuxuan, "Frozen garlic", Ma Yingjiu Before leaving the market, especially with people who shout: "There will be a period!"

"President Ma! Come on, come on, come on, I'm your fan! ", There are also grandmothers who have seen Ma Ying-jeou appear at the vegetable market. Today, I am too happy to meet President Ma! Ma Ying-jeou, about 4 pm this afternoon, accompanied KMT candidate Qiu Yuxuan to visit the Daban Wandan market and the Houzhuang market where they went.

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Ma Ying-jeou visited the stall merchants one by one to shake hands with the vendors, and people rushed to take pictures. Super enthusiasm at the signing Ma Ying-jeou, regardless of men, women and children, see Ma Ying Jiuyi appear on the market, have picked up mobile phones to take pictures, showing great popularity.

Ma Ying-jeou faces public demand, takes a photo, a self-portrait, a signature … As long as the weather allows it, it best meets the needs of the people, some sellers send gadgets and sellers of bamboos, radishes and garlic. Chairman Ma "step by step", the candidate in the election of Qiu Yuxuan "frozen garlic".

Before Ma Ying-jeou left the Houzhuang market, Qiu Yuxuan invited President Ma to come back next time. Before Ma Ying-jeou left, he stood in front of the car and told everyone, "There is will have a period! "

  People rushed to shake hands and take pictures with Ma Ying-jeou. Reporter Liu Xingjun / Photography
People shook hands and photographed with Ma Ying-jeou Liu Xingjun / Photography
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  People asked Ma Ying-jeou to sign. Ma Ying-jeou helped to sign Liu Xingjun / Photography
People asked Ma Ying-jeou to help sign. Reporter Liu Xingjun / Photography
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  Before leaving the market, Ma Ying-jeou told the public that there will be a period after. Reporter Liu Xingjun / Photography "title =" Before leaving the market, Ma Ying-jeou told the public that "there will be a period later." Reporter Liu Xingjun / Photography
Before leaving the market, Ma Ying-jeou told the public that "there will be a later period". Reporter Liu Xingjun / Photography
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  Before former president Ma Ying-jeou arrived at the market, people were eagerly waiting and taking out their cell phones to take pictures . Reporter Liu Xingjun / Photography "title =" Before former president Ma Ying-jeou arrived at the market, people eagerly waited and took out their cell phones to take pictures. Reporter Liu Xingjun / Photography
Before the arrival of former chairman Ma Ying-jeou at the market, people eagerly waited and took their cell phones to take pictures Liu Xingjun / Photography
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  Ma Ying-jeou interacts with sellers I still do not forget to take a photo with my cellphone Reporter Liu Xingjun / Photography "title =" Ma Ying-jeou interacts with the merchants, and stall merchants do not forget to pick up the phone to take pictures Liu Xingjun / Photography
Ma Ying-jeou interacts with sellers Still remember to take your phone to take pictures. Reporter Liu Xingjun / Photography
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  People invited Ma Ying-jeou to sign. Reporter Liu Xingjun / Photography "title =" People invite Ma Ying-jeou to sign. Reporter Liu Xingjun / Photography
People invited Ma Ying-jeou to sign Liu Xingjun / Photography
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  The children invited Ma Ying-jeou to take a selfie together. Reporter Liu Xingjun / Photography
The children invited Ma Ying-jeou to take a selfie together. Reporter Liu Xingjun / Photography
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  Merchants sent Shantou enthusiasm to Ma Ying-jeou. Reporter Liu Xingjun / Photography "title =" stall merchants sent stuff to Ma Ying-jeou. Reporter Liu Xingjun / Photography
Traders sent Shantou to Ma Yingjiu Reporter Liu Xingjun / Photography
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  Ma Ying-jeou visited market sellers one by one, and people have scrambled to take pictures. "title =" Ma Ying-jeou visits the market stalls one by one, people rush to take photos Reporter Liu Xingjun / photography
Ma Ying-jeou visit the market stalls one by one, people rush To take pictures. Reporter Liu Xingjun / Photography
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  Ma Ying-jeou interacts with merchants. Reporter Liu Xingjun / Photography "title =" Ma Ying-jeou interacts with the merchants. Reporter Liu Xingjun / Photography
Ma Ying-jeou interacts with traders Reporter Liu Xingjun / Photography
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  Spreading and self-timer magazine Ma Ying-jeou Reporter Liu Xingjun / Photography " title = "Agribusiness and Ma Ying-jeou Self-timer Reporter Liu Xingjun / Photography
stands and Ma Ying-jeou self-timer. Reporter Liu Xingjun / Photography
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  Ma Ying-jeou interacts with merchants. Reporter Liu Xingjun / Photography "title =" Ma Ying-jeou interacts with the merchants. Reporter Liu Xingjun / Photography
Ma Ying-jeou Interacts with Traders Reporter Liu Xingjun / Photography
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  Watch the group to help people and Ma Ying-jeou Reporter Liu Xingjun / Photography title = "The public and Ma Ying-jeou took a photo.The reporter Liu Xingjun / photography
followed by the help of the people and Ma Ying-jeou. Reporter Liu Xingjun / Photography
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