- Donald Tsang continued to stay at the hospital Mary Chou Ward Chen Zhiming visited the network on.cc is for 2 consecutive days
- Donald Tsang was forced to wear an oxygen mask to stay in the room to pray for Yahoo! Headline Daily (press release)
- 渎 渎 渎 上诉 上诉 上诉 煲 呔 煲 煲 呔 呔 呔 呔 呔 呔 呔 呔 呔 呔 呔 呔 呔 呔 呔 呔 呔 呔 呔 呔 呔 呔 呔 呔 呔 呔 呔 呔 呔 呔 呔 呔
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Tags Chen Chou Consecutive continued days Donald hospital Mary stay Tsang visited ward Zhiming