NeoGeo mini replica SNK classic souvenirs, buy Japanese or international version? | Hong Kong 01 | GEME


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Before talking about NEOGEO mini, I have to mention SNK first, I think everyone thinks about a series of fighting games, especially nobody knows it. "King of Fighters", as well as horizontal action games like "METAL SLUG". Tuesday, July 24, the factory launched the Japanese version (parallel) NEOGEO mini, which was sold for 1,500 yen, Hong Kong licensed products were released on August 28 and sold for 880 dollars. As for the launch date of NEOGEO mini international (International Edition), it is undecided. Japanese and international editions, what is the best?

The highs and lows of SNK

NEOGEO mini included in the game, all produced by SNK. The old SNK game company was founded in 1978. SNK is the abbreviation of the Japanese "SHIN NIHON KIKAKU", which is the "New Japan Plan", once in the 1990s. C & # 39; was the golden period of arcade games, SNK Masterpieces such as "Hungry Wolf", "Soul of Soul" and "Fist of Dragon and Tiger" are highly sought after by players, and the series "King of Fighters", created in 1994, has almost become a must-see series every year. At that time, there was a play center in Sha Tin, where there were about 20 arcades, of which "STREET FIGHTER ZERO 2" and "KOF 96" each accounted for half. Yes, only one machining shop, "Juvenile Street Fighter" and "King of Fighters" is enough to do business. You can see that fighting games support a lot of people.

SNK history of history (enlarged below)

In the late 1990s, SNK invests in the golf course and the fiasco: the company goes bankrupt.At the beginning, ARUZE acquires SNK at a low price and should be "usurped". In the shell company, the original SNK secretly transferred most of the game's badets to South Korea's PLAYMORE, ARUZE acquired the so-called SNK, only 38 billion yen of debt. More ironically, PLAYMORE once accused ARUZE of violating the copyright of the video game, and the process was like a television series. Until 2015, China Shunrong Sanqi Mutual Entertainment Company acquired SNK PLAYMORE, and the name of the company has returned to SNK In recent years, relatively few games have been launched.

We have already launched the NeoGeo mini out of the box, see the separate article for more details. (Photo by Lin Yong)

NEOGEO mini started

said again to NEOGEO mini, our HK01 was the first to open the box test, mentioning the product accessories, the host performance and the feeling of control. The Japanese version and the international version of NEOGEO mini each contain 40 games, of which 26 are common to both versions: the Japanese version has 14 games and the international version has 14 other games. In other words, if you buy two versions of NEOGEO mini, there are 54 clbadic games to play with.

The international version of NeoGeo mini differs from the Japanese version in terms of content and appearance.

NeoGeo mini Japanese version and international version 26 common games (click to enlarge)

14 Japanese version of the NeoGeo mini-game (expanded explanation as shown below)

14 international NeoGeo Edition mini game (according to the enlarged view below)

Japanese version of the focus on combat, international version of the game of partial action

For SNK loyal players, of course , the Japanese version and the international version NEOGEO. If you only want to buy one of the versions, you can include a list of games, especially the 14 games that appear only in a certain version.

In summary, the Japanese version of NEOGEO mini "includes more fighting games, including" King of Fighters ", while the international version" includes more horizontal action games, including "METAL SLUG". "Suppose everyone is a fighting fan, it is reasonable to buy the Japanese version of NEOGEO mini, but according to the test report of several media (including of course HK01 main editor Lin Yong), if only NEOGEO mini is used, the JOYSTICK mini joystick and four buttons In fact, it is not easy to produce a continuous COMBO, if you switch to the optional handcuffs, "PAD CONTROLLER" feels better, but still at a distance of the JOYSTICK arcade.

Although he is a fan of fighting games, the individual thinks that the international version is more appropriate for himself, since NEOGEO mini contains more games than fight, and if the gesture is mediocre, it will happen one or two times in a row.It is easy to get discouraged, and the international version also includes 5 episodes of "King of Fighters", of which the "KOF97" at 39. climax, which is enough to play in. Of course, this is only one opinion per Arbor: After all, some players use the PAD controller, and the shot is just as convenient.

Discussing some "exclusive" games

‧ "CYBER-LIP" (exclusive Japanese version)

"CYBER-LIP" launched in 1990, is a style very similar to KONAMI "Contra The game Luo's horizontal action, two players can be equipped with a variety of guns (can change weapons themselves), playing robots and aliens along the way , each time against the giant BOSS.The difficulty of the game is not small, the protagonist will die when he touch the ball, the "drawing" will fall into the trap and die, it is a pretty difficult style and difficult, but it is easy for players to invest.

‧BURNING FIGHT (exclusive Japanese version)

I loved the era of super-life, the series "FINAL FIGHT "from CAPCOM and the" BURNING FIGHT "from SNK in 1991, we feel like" FINAL FIGHT "A mix of TECHNO JAPAN and Double Dragon.The game is available for doubles.The protagonist to see t go to the street to fight and fight, fists and feet are rich, and they can pick up their weapons and play very well. SNK launched the ninja action game in 1992, which can be used for the double-game "NINJA COMMANDO", using the overhanging perspective, the main character moves up and down, and a variety of ninjutsu can be used. There are also weapons like shurikens. Players can choose to play with one of three ninjas, each with different skills, which is a good game of action.

The "LAST RESORT" (1965) International Edition

NEOGEO mini contains more action and combat games, and "LAST RESORT" is a horizontal shooter launched by SNK in 1992, a total of 5 levels, each level In the end, there are leaders who guard the enemy, and the enemy himself has weaknesses. The player controls the fighter, there is a sphere in front of the machine to badist the attack, the player can control the movement of the sphere and change the direction of the disguised attack. When the player spills the designated enemy, you can acquire other weapons, and the fighter himself can be used to store the weapons. Veteran players may think that "LAST RESORT" obviously has the shadow of IREM "R-TYPE"!

‧ "MAGICIAN LORD" (International Exclusive Edition)

"MAGICIAN LORD" with the magician as the protagonist is the work of 1990, SNK is only the editor, and developed APLHA Electronics ( ADK). The player controls the ELTA wizard to go to the eight cemeteries to retrieve the magic guide, which allows him to challenge the evil wizard. This control is very simple, attack and jump only, but when the player receives the Orb, you can "transfer" the Dragon Warrior, the Ninja, the Server, the Warrior of the water, etc., so that the game has more changes.


The Japanese version of NEOGEO mini has "BURNING FIGHT", the international version has this "MUTATION NATION", 1992 works. The game takes place in the future of 2050. The laboratory explosion tells the virus, the streets are full of monsters and mutants, and a malefic scientist tries to absorb them. The game belongs to the horizontal fighting game as "FINAL FIGHT" The two protagonists RICKY and JOHNNY attack the enemy with fists and feet When the orbs "letter" are obtained on the way, the attack attribute can be added: "A" is the light attribute, "B" C is a fire attribute, etc., and different combinations make the operation rich.

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