Apple: Hong Kong businessmen feel compelled to refuse to invest in the plan or the Lin Rongji Taipei Bookstore bubble |


Lin Rongji, the director of the Causeway Bay bookstore, said earlier that he was planning to open a new "Causeway" bookstore in Taipei. However, according to the weekly Apple Daily, the Hong Kong businessman who had sponsored him to open a store decided to withdraw his contribution plan because of "pressure", this which precipitated the Taipei bookstore project.

The "Apple Daily" reported today that he had revealed that he had received news in June that the Hong Kong businessman had withdrawn the capital contribution plan because of "feeling under pressure". He said that the businessman had a business in mainland China and that he felt that he was feeling the pressure. According to the report, Lin Rongji now contacts other Taiwanese friends through friends to see if anyone is willing to contribute and is still waiting for news. In May of last year, Lin Rongji accepted a visit to Nihon Keizai Shimbun, announcing that he was preparing to open a new "Causeway Bay Bookstore" in Taiwan in the second half of the year. 39 year, funded by an anonymous democratic group from Hong Kong. At that time, he said that 90% had decided to reopen the store in Taiwan, but at that time, he would only serve as a consultant for the new store and would not participate in daily operations.

"Standing News" temporarily failed to meet Lin Rongji's response to the incident.

Lin Rongji, one of five bookstores in Causeway Bay, was arrested in late October 2015. After crossing Luohu's customs, his wife announced in early November the disappearance of her husband until the 14th. June of the following year. After returning to Hong Kong, he asked the police to sell the case. Two days later, Lin Rongji met with reporters along with He Junren, explaining the details of his arrest on the mainland, and he was the only one to have revealed the incident.

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