"Goodbye" of Ozil prevented the German Football Association from staying still – Hong Kong Sina


Original title: "Aurevoir" of Ozil, the German Football Association can not remain quiet: absolutely no racial discrimination!

  Screenshot of Ozil Twitter.

Screenshot of Ozil Twitter.

[環球網報導 記者 趙建東] "When we win, I'm German, and when we lose, I'm an immigrant." In the early morning of July 23, Beijing time, Özil even launched three copies on Twitter. The statement announced that she had withdrawn from the German national team. He indignantly accused the "racism" of German society and used his "unaccepted" Turkish lineage to discover the flaw of German pluralism. Immediately, the incident caused a huge stir in Germany and around the world. This not only allowed the "door of photography" that lasted more than a month to calm down temporarily, but also ended the nine-year career of Özil in the team. German national

  Screenshot of the official website of the German Football Association.

Screenshot of the official website of the German Football Association. According to the latest news, the German Football Association issued a statement at 22:14 on July 23 in Beijing, first by thanking Özil for his contribution to the German national team and expressing his respect for his decision to withdraw from the national team. However, the German Football Association specifically reiterated that there was absolutely no racial discrimination in the work of the Football Association. The German Football Federation puts special emphasis on the fact that "Ozil thinks that he was treated unfairly, he mentioned that he did not have the same courtesy as Boateng, we regret it. "

The national team, some people have criticized, and some people have expressed their understanding that no one can convince anyone at a time.

  Bayern President Henes thinks Özil has been "broken" for many years.

Bayern President Henes thinks Özil has been "broken" for many years.

The President of Bayern Heines is the "pioneer" of criticism: in an interview with Sports Picture, he tirelessly criticizes the performance of Ozil "very bad": "I am very happy that he has retired. The national team won the fight the last time or at the 2014 World Cup. "

" When playing with Arsenal, we knew that as long as it was against him, it was a good thing. was a weakness. This would not have been in the national team for several years. "

After the World Cup photo with Ozil and Gondoan and the Turkish president, Ozil was still at the forefront of public opinion.

Of course, in addition to the unsatisfactory performance of the Özil stadium , much of Germany's domestic criticism for his attention was focused on the World Cup, he took a photo with Turkish President Erdogan.In the pre-World Cup prep match he was surprised by German fans.

  German Critic "World News" of Özil.

German Critic "World News" of Özil.

"World News" of Germany has commented: "There is no winner in this business, everyone loses … Ozil continues to say that he has no political intentions, c & # 39; is too naive and his values ​​are out of date. Question. "

  Merkel visited the German team before the start of the World Cup.

Merkel visits the German team before the start of the World Cup.

Unexpectedly German Chancellor Angela Merkel also expressed her position on Ozil's decision to withdraw from the national team, Merkel respected Ozil's decision and said that Ozil has brought a huge contribution to the German team.The spokesman for the German government Ulrich Demer told the media the attitude of Ms Merkel. "The prime minister is very respectful of Ozil, Ozil is a player of football that paid a lot for the German national team, "said Ulrich Demer.It also revealed that Merkel believes that the decision of Özil must be respected.

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