J18 Tour 17 Summary of 2018 | J Intelligence Station League | Fans World



Ennisda with Ferrando Toli Two former champions of the Spain World Cup, this round finally took the first time in the Japanese league. It is unfortunate that the channel could only be saved due to state issues, and that it failed to save the new club.

After Ennisda's 59-minute reserve, there was a free-throw goal from the left foot but none of them could enter the wave for Kobe's victory, and the match at Kobe's home swallowed 3 eggs of Shonan Bima. After the game, it is estimated that the level of the Japanese league is high, the physical confrontation is stronger than the imagination, and there are many players who are fast and good. Therefore, I have to work harder to practice the wave later, and hope that my performance will be better under the improvement of my fitness. Kobe's coach, Yoshida Takashi, said that because of state problems, he had only played 30 minutes before the match, and Xiaobai could not get away with it. only a few days.

As for Torres, he will be on the battle for 50 minutes, after playing, the high altitude wave and the left attack will bring obvious threats to the opponent Unfortunately, the sand-bird sandstone hit Sendai Vegatai. The season is set at the end of the second quarter, and the second half of the season should strive to compete for the level. After the match, Tolis pointed out that he only practiced one week of waves, so he and other teammates intensified their training for a month. The Prince hopes that he will return to 100% state in the future, which will make field performance better.

Regarding the situation at the top of the list, Hiroshima's three arrows were at the end of the pack, but four newcomers were selected to vote for the Nagoya whales. At the same time, FC Tokyo won the Yokohama sailor, Kawasaki striker also won the Nagasaki victory pill, the first three places remained unchanged, but Hiroshima advance s & # 39 is reduced to 7 points. Osaka Sakura is the same as Hokkaido Sapporo Gonzado, although he is still ranked 4th and 5th, he is 6 points behind Kawasaki, the first three seasons have already opened other teams. In terms of protection, Nagoya finally scored two numbers, but still competed with the tail three for 5 points. The Tosu Transit continues until the end of the second, and the three Osaka feet and the four Nagasaki tail lose both, so the last four rankings remain unchanged.

Opta data for the current round

Xing Shen Yu San (Puhe) – Three brothers scored 1 goal in 2 rounds of this round, and 20 shots in the first half of the season, reaching 71.4% . The highest percentage of players among the 12 moves.

Ota Hiroshi (Tokyo) – The former door of the Japanese international left has made a free kick in the current round, it has entered the wave since the fifth league of free throws in 2015 and was linked to more players with Nakamura Shusuke. .

3. Yokohama Mariners – After the last round of 8: 2 win over Sendai, this round lost 2: 5 to Tokyo, losing 5 goals in a single match is also the most lost event in the history of Marine.

4. Kashima Antlers – The offensive this season is not convinced that Kashima's 6: 2 victory over Beresul in this round, since August 2011, the only wave in the wave of up to a battle .

5. Shonan Bima – Since 2015, there have been 7 games leading to 2-0, and all have won.

Kobe Victory Ship 0: 3 Shonan Bima

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Sandstone Bird 0: 1 Sendai Vegatai

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Nagoya Whale 0: 0 Hiroshima III Arrow

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Kawasaki Striker 1: 0 Victory Pill Nagasaki

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Osaka Cherry Blossom 1: 1 Red Puhe Diamond

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Hokkaido Sapporo Gonzado 0: 0 Sumida Yamaha

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Kashima Antlers 6: 2 Beresul

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Flying flank of Osaka 1: 2 flapping clear water

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Photo: J リ ー グ Official Site
Source: J League Intelligence Station
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